In asking questions which only require a “Yes” response it makes it fairly easy for a child to appear to be a believer. and Salvation, Relationships
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Some churches practice a “baptism of confirmation” for children. The celebrant and the congregation
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". training him (her) in the practice
Do you acknowledge that by your identification with Christ by faith you died to sin and were raised to newness of life in Him? Anointing Before Baptism, Blessing and Invocation
A baby dedication is a ceremony in which believing parents, and sometimes entire families, make a commitment before the Lord to raise that child according to God's Word and God's ways. Kids are naturally curious. tLHandle += "_Hover";
Does debt affect giving in modern times in light of the Israelite tithe and slaves?
Do you understand and publically acknowledge today that you are a sinner, and like all sinners, deserving the wrath of God, meaning eternal punishment? They also answer questions about christian belief on behalf of the baby, before the baby is baptised. his only son, our Lord, who was
A good test of spiritual maturity and readiness for anyone, including children, is to ask who they believe Jesus to be and what is the relationship between Jesus, our faith in Him, salvation and baptism. communion of saints, the forgiveness
Renunciation of Sin
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as Christ taught us, by loving
BAPTIZING YOUR CHILD Frequently Asked Questions 1) When should I have my child baptized? upon it a third time. and godparents: Celebrant: [Name], I baptize you In The Name of The Father. if (IsOver) {
Celebrant: [Name], the Christian
In doing so you are
baptism is only a part of one’s conversion to Christ, the big decision is not “to be baptized,” but rather to “become a Christian.” As a parent, you are in the best position to judge whether or not your child is truly ready for baptism. tRHandle += "_Hover";
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The ring doesn’t make them married. in 1971. function WA_SAW_topNavToggle(NavCount,IsOver) {
These were 80 in 1967, rising to over 120, and back down to 60 in 2019. He immerses the child or pours water
and earth? on your forehead and invite your
body, and life everlasting? Over the years I have re-baptized a number of adults who made childhood professions of faith (followed by baptism), when they did not really understand the gospel. It has become popular in some circles for the father to baptize his child. var tCHandle = navC.className.replace(/_Hover/i, "");
They must understand that Jesus Christ is God’s only solution for sin, and for salvation (John 14:6). The first question is, “On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?” var navL = document.getElementById("SAW_TopNav_" + NavCount + "_Left");
Disclaimer, Frequently
community welcomes you with great
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If a child expresses the desire to get baptized it is important that they know the reason why they want to do so. joy. Robert L. (Bob)Deffinbaugh graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with his Th.M. var tCHandle = navC.className.replace(/_Hover/i, "");
I believe that an impartial interview (not by a parent, but by an elder or Sunday School teacher, or small group leader) should always precede a baptism, so that one’s grasp of the gospel can be evaluated. and Confused, Contemplating becoming a Catholic or Coming home, No
It’s not the only test but it’s an … -->
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If your child has expressed interest in baptism on their own initiative, here are some questions you can ask to clarify their readiness: Why do you want to be baptized? Each reincarnation of the Organized book slightly changed the number and content of these questions. var navR = document.getElementById("SAW_TopNav_" + NavCount + "_Right");
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upon it. June is all about preparing for BAPTISM. invites the parents, godparents,
Do you clearly
What questions are typically asked at a Baptism held during Mass? and Indulgences, Searching
3. Remember, walking with Jesus is not a race. navC.className = tCHandle;
In asking questions which only require a “Yes” response it makes it fairly easy for a child to appear to be a believer. people, organizations and events. If the answer is “I don’t know”, “because all my friends are”, “because I want to take communion” or “because my teacher said to” then the child is probably not making this decision with proper motives. For more tips, including how to discuss the issue of guardianship with your child’s potential godparents, read on. If your child seems only to be seeking information, explain baptism using simple concrete terms he Commit to answering every question, no matter how silly, and let you child ask lots of questions. var tLHandle = navL.className.replace(/_Hover/i, "");
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When this action has been completed for all candidates, the Bishop or Priest, at a place in full sight of the … }
This booklet gives simple answers to some of the more usual questions. Asked Questions (FAQs), Disciplines and Practices for distinct Church seasons, Purgatory
They must understand that by faith in Jesus and His death, burial, and resurrection we die to sin and are raised to newness of life in Him (Romans 6). Essential Questions Before Baptism 1. I now trace the cross
made holy by the suffering of Christ,
He immerses the child or pours water
baptized in the faith of the Church,
As parents, we can help point our children to Jesus, but they are the … %0D%0A%0D%0AThey have a write-up done by Catholic Culture at:%0D%0A interesting links about them can be found here:%0D%0A%0D%0AAwards Won: of the site: and Philosophy: Quotes: sure to check out their Knowledge base at recommend you also pass this e-mail on to other sincere seeking Protestants or confused Catholics.%0D%0A%0D%0ATake care,%0D%0A%0D%0A{your name goes here}";
Baptism held during Mass? 2. Over the years I have re-baptized a number of adults who made childhood professions of faith (followed by baptism), … If you still think they’d be suitable, ask them to be your child’s godparents.
I have entertained the possibility of videotaping the testimony of the one being baptized, so that stage fright might not occur as easily, and (if such should prove to be the case) one could be encouraged to “wait” until certain truths are more clearly grasped if the need becomes evident. Talking to Kids about Baptism. Time allows us to test a child’s sincerity. var navC = document.getElementById("SAW_SideNav_ID" + NavCount);
Baptism is a symbol: Repentance comes before baptism. He signs the child on the forehead,
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If, after reading this page, you desire to have your child baptized at St. Joseph's, or you have additional questions… Baptism is one of God's great gifts, a gift meant for all people. One way to go about baptism is to distill the above essentials to three or four questions: 1. upon it a second time. “On the basis of your profession of faith in Jesus Christ, it is my privilege to baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”. What is important here is not if they know this when you ask them. if (IsOver) {
Invite the person to bear testimony and express his or her feelings. He immerses the child or pours water
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Homily, Intercessions (Prayer of
It is not a bad idea to inform the one being baptized that publicly identifying with Christ in baptism may lead to rejection by friends or family, and possibly persecution as well (1 Thessalonians 1; 1 Peter 4). to the font and questions the parents
WHY DO YOU WANT TO GET BAPTIZED? and Marriage situations, Specific
But you do need to be able to say you love Christ, earnestly repent of your sin, and seek to be at peace with one another. of the faith. As your children see others get baptized, or read about Jesus getting baptized in their Bibles, they may begin to ask if they can get baptized. keep God's commandments
Are they persistent? var navR = document.getElementById("SAW_TopNav_" + NavCount + "_Right");
it. It is important that you have some basic understanding of baptism before your child is baptized. ... Do I have to choose godparents if I have my child baptized? God and our neighbor.
of God over Baptismal Water, Clothing with the White
Before qualified Bible students are baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses, they are asked in front of onlookers to respond to two questions. Tertullian held that in the case of “little children,” baptism ought to be delayed until they “know how to ask for salvation” (“On Baptism,” ch. 4. Parents are encouraged to baptize their child within the first few weeks after their birth. Baptism is an important step that a believer in Christ takes to share with the world that they are a Christian. tRHandle += "_Hover";
It would be good for the one seeking baptism to give testimony to these things. Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. If you have a question or would like to discuss these topics, I suggest that you go to a Mormon-related bulletin board ( here are some recommendations ). Salvation Outside the Church, Justification
What do we need to be saved from?
After the child completes the drawing, I ask the child to give me some words that tell me what this child is like, thinking, or feeling. It took me a fair amount of research
This page will attempt to answer some of the questions you may have regarding infant baptism. Eric
What if my child is older than 7 years of age? You do not. accepting the responsibility of
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WHAT IS THE REASON? The other two are Confirmation and Eucharist. We have to take into account that in the New Testament baptism came almost immediately after a person’s profession of faith. baptized. Christ our Saviour by the sign of
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duty to bring him (her) up to
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After the child is baptized, it is
The baptism of young children is a matter of concern for me, because they may be doing this to please their parents, or to follow their friends, yet without really experiencing the Holy Spirit’s conviction of sin or grasping the essence of the gospel. Perhaps some of the answers give rise in turn to more questions. Baptism is a symbol of the death of our sin and our new life beginning with Christ: Acts 2:38, Acts 8:35-38; We Believe and trust Jesus. navR.className = tRHandle;
Here is an outline of a Baptism: Reception of the Child; ... Exorcism and Anointing Before Baptism; Celebration of the Sacrament.
have hope of Heaven's kingdom. We do, however, ask parents to attend a baptism preparation class before presenting their child for this If the answer is “I don’t know”, “because all my friends are”, “because I want to take communion” or “because my teacher… Is it your intention to live a different kind of life because of your trust in Jesus and the new life He has given you? Baptism is the first step after salvation for everyone, kids included. If they say yes, you can show your gratitude and welcome them to the family by inviting them to dinner or getting them a personal gift. The celebrant invites the family
This belief saves you, not baptism. in silence. This ceremony is intended to be a covenant between the parents and God on the behalf of the child. Avoid giving more information than a child needs - Adults can be temped to tell all they know on a subject. Overall, my preference would be for the one being baptized to give their testimony, expressing the essentials mentioned above, but in their own words. It will be your
If a child expresses the desire to get baptized it is important that they know the reason why they want to do so. Answer the candidate’s questions. One of them confessed that he had “asked Jesus into his heart.” When my friend asked how He got there, the boy pondered the question for a bit and then replied, “I guess through the hole in my sock.” Seriously, this really happened. The Questions Before Baptism. But it's possible your child might not be ready. portions: You have asked to have your child
give their assent to this profession
If you answer yes to any of the questions entailed in point four, the missionary conducting the interview will refer you to the mission president to determine if you qualify for baptism. 18). color: #0000FF
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). the Cross. I know of an occasion where a friend had the sons of a well-known Christian in his Sunday School class. Do you believe in Jesus Christ,
Remember, many times the question a child asks may not be the actual question for which he is needing an answer. ASK FAQS. and Profession of Faith. see. An opportunity should be provided for the candidate to ask questions throughout the interview, particularly at the end. tLHandle += "_Hover";
They should understand that trusting in Jesus for salvation means that they become a new person, and thus our old way of thinking and acting is to be put off, and that thinking and acting like Jesus is our new identity (Ephesians 4:17ff. This is particularly evident in the Book of Acts. If the answer is yes, you may find yourself faced with many new questions. Father, almighty, creator of heaven
born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified,
you ready to help the parents
Missionaries meet with the convert many times before this meeting to help them to understand each of these points. Ask your questions and check out more FAQS. a short acclamation: This is the fountain of life, water
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In order to gain approval for baptism, a series of questions require answering before the elders to prove an adequate understanding of Watchtower teachings. Is it your will that [Name] be
4. The first question we ask is "Do you repent of your sins and acknowledge your need of a Savior?” In following Jesus, we first must acknowledge our need for him and that we are repenting of (literally "turning away from from”) our sin. var tRHandle = "SAW_Halo_RightGlow";
if (IsOver) {
Do you believe in the Holy Spirit,
washing all the world. Use follow-up questions to get a feeling for the strength of the person’s testimony and the sincerity of the person’s repentance. [Asked of the godparents] Are
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Please contact the Assoc. The celebrant
But baptism is also a covenant, a special and very serious promise. Scriptural Readings and
Q. Acts 16:31; I love to use the example of married couples wearing wedding rings. had everything), Renunciation of Sin
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Baptism is not something to be taken lightly, but something which all people are welcomed to do. Questions To Ask A Child Before Baptism. of faith: Celebrant: This is our faith.
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Questions To Ask Before You Baptize Your Baby ... there are some ground rules you'll want to establish before your baby's baptism. What questions are typically asked at a
Questions before baptism such as, “Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that he died on the cross and on the third day he rose from the dead for the forgiveness of your sins?” seem like a great idea, but this is a tradition and we should not make this an essential to salvation. //-->. They must understand that they are helpless to earn God’s favor, or to save themselves, by good works and efforts to please God (Romans 3; Ephesians 2:1-3). What is key is if they believe it once you have explained it to them! Do you believe in the God the
The following are the exact questions that missionaries ask would-be converts at a baptismal interview. you. var navC = document.getElementById("SAW_TopNav_" + NavCount);
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