4,156 4.2K. You want to show your ex that you are “moving on.” Now, if you’re thinking in your head that you DON’T actually want to move on from your ex (that’s why you’re here, isn’t it? She then hooked up with someone else and proceeded to ask me to start as friends because she didn’t know if she could forgive me. I did a Facebook cull a couple of months ago too. That being said, it’s normal that after a breakup, you and/or your ex may behave in ways that are different from what you’re familiar with. ), know that some of the best strategies involve the idea of “moving on without moving on.”. You should definitely continue posting pictures of your new self on social media, and to the extent which you are comfortable, make your posts public. Agree with the Facebook cull theory.It’s extremely common, every one does it now and again, otherwise the «friends « list gets clogged up with people who are no longer relevant or current in their lives, it just makes their social media so much easier to manage. Ex has suddenly removed me from social media, why? He’s hurt either by you or by having to see your photos. Facebook. It bothers him that while he’s still processing the breakup and trying to make sense of his feelings, there you are . Since it’s too painful for him to see photos of you or know what you’re doing, he wants to get the image of you out of his head. If something leads you to consider deleting someone off social media, then the person being deleted probably has an idea why. Then I realized my ex had not only deleted me, but he also blocked me. The second time we hook up he deliberately starts messaging a girl in front of me straight after sex. You have to work to become your best self and at the end of your No Contact you reach out with a text that Chris suggests. 3 days into no contact, I went on Facebook. It's been almost four months since my ex girlfriend broke up with me, it was a really hard time. . In the end, he did the only thing he knew how to, and unfollowed you on social media. By AL031, 4 years ago on Breaking up. 5 Ways to Clean Up Your Facebook Profile After Divorce. My ex ended things with me at the beginning of lockdown. However, he is supposedly seeing a girl 6 years younger than him. Having said that, those angry and sad posts do not paint the picture of someone who has moved on. In many ways, social media has made it easy for us to behave in ways that would historically be considered to have violated our partner’s privacy. What do I do? Show him that you’re not affected by him unfollowing you on social media. So don’t even mention the un-following on SM when you eventually speak with him again. I logged onto Facebook and saw that I was one friend down. But . There was no negative interaction whatsoever. Why would they do this a year after we broke up? Now he only seems to watch stories from my business page so I did a quick search and saw he unfollowed my personal page. It could be his fiance doesn't want him in contact with exes - or it could be that he's had a Facebook cull. If you do not want everyone to see certain posts, then you should definitely keep them private. 2. You think this is about his feelings towards you, it's not. Basically, I erase every physical and digital thing connected to my ex as if he never existed. I stopped watching his insta stories but kept following him. "For most people, breaking up requires some space," Dr. Warren says. I was hurt initially and cried my eyes out in front of him. I was then meant to see him a couple of days later and he said he wanted space. In his mind, you have broken up and he has lost you, so the next best thing he can is to try and move on. He blocked me. & today i checked i lost 2 followers And saw it was him from both of his instagram profiles but he still follows my finsta, what do you think chris please help!!! It is. However, he still has me on Instagram and watches away at my stories? Allow him some space in that flat to worry why you are not home, who you could be with and when you get home go straight to bed so that he feels that he is losing you slowly. Who knows. I haven’t said anything to him in over a month and a half. Social media was a game to him and he okay ex it and his appliances quite well, I must say. It's been almost four months since my ex girlfriend broke up with me, it was a really hard time. my ex hasn't blocked/unfriended me on social media despite no contact. …. 4,156 4.2K. Or maybe that picture of you being a real badass at tennis? Unfriended loads of people that I just didn’t see anymore. That or he's dating another girl and doesn't want her stumble upon your conversation. You called of your engagement. I don’t know what I can do to let him know I still want to be friends. He might have even experienced you showing up at his place. If you want this to change then something has to change about you and your ex. The over liking of posts and photos during seduction , then when devaluing liking only other women’s photos and posts and not mine. I only did it because I needed time to heal and move on, and I made sure she knew that so she didn't think I was trying to be childish. When you're dating, it's not unusual to post a ton of pictures of you and your partner on Facebook and Instagram. Men can be pretty darn immature, and the immaturity can manifest itself pretty strongly in circumstances such as a breakup. When your ex decides to check up on you (e.g. ). Knowing him I do think it's personal, not necessarily in a hurtful way but an end to an era perhaps. He uses social media to collect his unsuspecting victims. Please help me. And then reach out with a text that Chris suggests in his articles and videos. . The day after he broke up with me he said he'd made a mistake and loves me and wanted to get back which i was hesitant on and he started saying i dont care about him etc. I haven’t replied because I was trying to move on and was in a lot of pain and anger. It'll be forgotten about in a couple of days, it just stings a bit losing what you thought was a friend and seemingly for no good reason.Before he met his wife-to-be he would make contact regularly which only confirmed my feeling that we were friends, it has only been since meeting her that he has severed ties so to speak.I didn't consider that he may have held onto hurt about me calling off the engagement years ago. I hadn’t even gotten a chance to do/post anything that was “UG Girl”. because she’s bored, lonely or curious) it’s important that you are portraying an attractive image for her on social media. Halsey and G-Eazy broke up--and deleted him off Instagram. Maybe he deleted you off of snapchat because he thought you guys weren't going to stay in contact. None of those memories were positive, unfortunately. But Facebook was a whole different ball game. Things have been amicable and the breakup was due to “lack of spark” but after analysing it all, I know it was a mix of him not being able to maturely communicate his feelings and me being fully dependent on him and the relationship. Hi Kayla it is likely that whatever he seen in your posts upset him enough to make him unfollow you for a while. Relevance. I don’t know why, but I am kind of sad for some reason. Hi Annika, so this could be that he has met someone and he doesn’t want you to see, or he is thinking you have met someone yourself. . Twitter . What do you think? Desperate for some advice, my ex broke up with me about a month and a half ago and we lived in the same flat. I was seeing a guy for 2 months before I had the dtr talk and he told me that he didn’t want to date. my boyfriend and I broke up over a year ago so its been a while but we’ve been in NC since. It's human nature to want to rid yourself of any reminders of your ex after an emotional breakup.The thought of seeing you and your ex smiling in a picture together is often too much to bear. They've only been together about six months and he doesn't live in the same city as me and our close mutual friend, our friend hasn't met her so unless he has chosen to mention me himself I fail to see how that could be the issue.I'm thinking it's along the lines of "forget the past and focus on the future" but I wasn't aware he was harbouring any negative feelings toward me. Mumsnet has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. I stopped messaging back that night, the next day he sends me a good morning text wishing me a good day. Answer Save. He will be wondering about these questions, and probably a ton of other questions as well. Take them off your feed. I came across this blog because I didn’t know what to do, I’ve deleted him from most of my social networks just today. “A really important thing to do upon a breakup to help you move on in a healthy way is to cut social media ties with your ex, not in a malicious or angry way, but in a considered ‘if we are going to get through this’ way,” says Dunne. Hi Linda, I would have told you to stop him from being able to follow your calendar anyway as you do not want him knowing where and who you are with all the time anyway. We had slept together and been very intimate and loving and she even called me her partner again. I think it could be he is getting married and your message reminded him of the past hurt. As I have mentioned before, he will naturally become curious at some point. Favorite Answer. Moreover, he said that I could still text or call him. It’s so messed up, how he treated my heart is awful yet I miss him so much and would do anything to get him back. After all, do you really want to be with someone who doesn’t value you and only wants to mess with your emotions? I imagine, in time, he will reconnect if he misses you. Alternatively his fiancé asked him to delete you, I agree with sittingontheveranda. Today she deleted like 15 pics from her social media. Hi Sole, often people do this so that they can post things without you seeing what they are doing. The next day i told him that I wanted to be FWB. If he sees you’ve posted this, he probably will, all of the above. I'm settled down with somebody now and have children but we'd catch up on social media when he'd get in touch which he often did.He has recently got engaged which I thought was wonderful, I sent my congratulations and said I was genuinely pleased for him (and meant it!) For many people, social media is a virtual photo album and can be legitimately the only place their photos are ever stored. This is the second time of no contact. I just really wanted that platform to reattract. He wanted to keep a line of communication open these days. And the best way he can do this is by unfollowing you. He broke up with me in Jan and instantly regretted it and begged me to take him back. He saw the message, but he didn’t reply. This article was very interesting to read! No problems. If you need help urgently, please see our domestic violence webguide and/or relationships webguide, which can point you to expert advice and support. This is page 1 of 5 (This thread has 109 messages.). If not then start now 30 days and do not watch any of his SM for now. Good question. he hasn't blocked me on whatsapp, viber, hasn't unfollowed me on instagram, hasn't unfriended me on Facebook, his cover photo on twitter and Facebook is still me. Social Media Breakup Etiquette: How to Handle Past Relationships on Facebook and Instagram . I won’t be in the country so I am giving him the space to do this himself. Because you don’t want me anymo He said he doesn’t want to lose our relationship, he doesn’t want me to forget him, and he isn’t leaving me. I was shocked and not sure why he did that.can you please advice? Page 1 of 1. Let’s get to it. . then last year around October he told me he didn’t feel the same way anymore, i was broken and told him i needed time i told him to give me a month, but after 3 weeks he contacted me and told me he missed me, i fell for it and broke the 30 day no contact, we talked again all normal but he started detaching himself again, then on December 25th he told me he was seeing someone else and that it was getting serious (he told me this through FaceTime) when he said that all i told him was “have a good life” and i hanged up on him i didnt let him say more then, hours later i sent him a “goodbye” text and he never replied to it and it seems hes dating this girl already, i miss him so much i havent contacted him at all! He thanked me, asked how I was, we exchanged pleasantries and that was that. I see him all over dating apps so I know he doesn’t have a girlfriend. It's quite common. Or his new fiance and he talked about your friendship and message which would be normal to come up in chat and he or they decided that you are just acquaintances now so best to let the past be. Depending on how your break up went, you might want to block your ex for the rest of eternity. What it does mean is that you have had a big enough impact on him that he cannot bear to look at your profile because. Previously he’s unfollowed my calendar because he told me he was angry and annoyed (times when he broke up with me unlike this time). I know that’s not what most women want to hear, especially if they want to get their exes back, but it’s true and it’s very possible that the new woman he’s dating made him do it. I needed time to heal. Do whatever it takes to move on. To ask for another handhold over the next few days? But that doesn’t mean that engaging in those activities is ideal or healthy,” Dr. Darcy adds. Posted by 3 years ago. [Read: How to forget someone and move on fast] #2 It sends a message to your friends and family. Anonymous. Him unfollowing you isn’t about you at all. Block their number if you have to, so you don’t obsess about your ex not contacting you. However, you should only do it to the extent which you are comfortable. We broke up about 5 months ago but we were still doing things couples do yet he was doing him cause I put it in my mind hey we’re both single don’t check him about anything even tho it hurt I was still coming to his moms house to be with them up until a week ago I Texted him and told him if he can’t keep it professional with the women he trains then he has to leave me alone for good because one of the ladies brought it to my attention that he was trying to talk to her so he texted me Back and told me not to text his phone anymore so it’s been a week now no contact from him nothing and I haven’t reached out to him. The issue of getting him back – you need to work on yourself and show him you are happy positive person to be around and that he is going to be reminded why you got together in the first place. Lv 7. . I posted tons of photos after the breakup obviously hoping he’d see them and reinforcing the UG concept. (DH doesn't think so). Archived. She may have had bad past experiences with exes. Hi James I would suggest that you complete a NC on her as she is well aware you are waiting for her to come back – I would do a 45 NC and during that time be chatting to other girls so she realises she does not have a hold on you. [23/F] So my ex and I broke up a few months ago. When is it best I reach out, following the finalising of flat logistics or 30-45 days after that? Find your group chat here >> start new discussion reply. We broke up 2 months ago. I’m sure that’s how you feel right now: as though there is a gaping hole in your life the size of a crater when the meteorite that was your breakup hit your life. You should post things that the Ungettable Girl would post. 12 Signs You’d Be Way Better Off Deleting Your Ex From Social Media. Even if he was being a jerk, and trying to bait you to get a reaction out of you, then I can’t tell you how important it is to hold your ground and lift your head high. Is it disrespectful to a new partner to keep exes as friends to some people? But there’s probably a part of him that isn’t ready to do that just yet. But there’s probably a part of him that isn’t ready to do that just yet. Not only do you have your emotions to deal with, you also have friends, family, and the Internet trying to tell you what to do. I did delete like 2 of my recent pictures of her at the beginning of our breakup. 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ex deleted me from social media
ex deleted me from social media 2021