The Return to Sabaody Arc is the 24th arc of the manga and anime One Piece. She comes aboard and finds that the ship has been coated and ready for underwater travel. The rest of Fake Luffy's crew join in to intimidate Luffy with the crowd hoping he will go along with their wishes. Usopp holds Chopper as he gawks at the new upgrades on Franky who now sports concealable hands within his giant ones and a hair-frizz feature. Meanwhile over in Grove 13 and Shakky's Bar, Sanji has arrived and found out that Zoro arrived on the island first. Hancock's ship gets in front of the Marines, forcing them to stop firing. Arc – Return to Sabaody Archipelago. Open Upon the Great Sea! Rayleigh heads to Nami intent on teaching her how to navigate a coated ship. Usopp comments that he's already created his own while Nami adds that they are famous in a bad way. The fake Luffy orders his crew to find the real Nami and Usopp but is suddenly knocked down by the figure from before. Sanji is especially happy to see Nami and Robin, so much so that he gets a gushing nosebleed which Usopp ordered Chopper to fix. The said figure apologizes to him and starts to head off, but Fake Luffy calls out to him, the figure turns around to answer him and we find out it is actually the real Luffy in disguise. Rather than just have them meet up and leave, they ended up scattered around Sabaody running into trouble in typical Straw Hat fashion. The pirates believe that the Fake Luffy will easily defeat them. Chopper runs off, unable to believe they would just abandon "Robin" and goes off to try to rescue her himself. After making their way through bizarre weather and fighting massive Sea Kings, they finally arrive directly abo… Rumors of the Straw Hats suddenly reappearing and recruiting new members have circulated. Luffy displayed some of his strengths when he shows that he made friends with the wildlife and warns the animals not to hurt his friends. By: XFangHeartX. His orders are to find and crush the real Straw Hats that humiliated him. When Sanji hears the description of the man, he realizes who it is and tells the fisherman not to panic as the man can take care of himself. Ergebnisse ansehen. In Grove 46, a Marine is spying on the new rookies trying to join the "Straw Hats". But the Fake Straw Hats and he are fleeing the scene knowing they do not stand a chance. Meanwhile in a bar, a woman is talking with the bartender about whats happened with Marineford. Arc Dressrosa (Episode 629-746) 42. Sanji's left eye and left eyebrow are shown (purposefully, not an artist error) for the first time. Well, ‘best’ would refer to my personal, subjective opinion and cannot be applied to everyone that may read or watch One Piece. ONE PIECE EPISODE GUIDE. In Grove 41, Franky contacts Sanji with Zoro, telling him where to meet up. Return to Sabaody Arc (Episodes 517–522) The Final Sea takes place after a two-year time gap, where all of the Straw Hats have grown, and the world has changed. If an arc is cut out then it's cut out. However, I will try my best to look at this as holistically as possible. Luffy then bids farewell to Hancock and the Kujas promising they'll meet again (though Hancock takes it as another proposal). In Grove 41, the real Zoro states his intention to fish at the beach. The Fake Luffy nervously tries to threaten the Marine captain but is quickly hammered into the ground and taken out much to his crew's surprise. I doubt that he is informed since he is sleeping when he met sanji? Arc Chronology We soon find that he was with the Flying Fish Riders who comment that Shakky told them to pick him up. However negative ghosts suddenly appear and stop them, revealing Perona, now much more grown up, to the trio. Luffy vs. The vice admiral there quickly deploys his troops to the island. Luffy then gives the order to set sail and the Straw Hats, reunited after two years, continue their journey to the New World. Punk Hazard Arc (Manga Chapters 654-699) 8-2. Luffy however, dodges the blast and goes into Gear Second then takes to the air and hits the Pacifista as it tries to fire again, knocking it out in one hit. Two years have passed since their and after their training, they have returned to the promised place: the Sabaody Archipelago. Your favourite One Piece arc post Timeskip? However it's interrupted when they notice some noise coming from a nearby island. Sentomaru moves out with Pacifista Units PX-5 and PX-7. "Straw Hat Luffy...Dead? If that is not bad enough, the Pacifistas arrive and begin shooting at the pirates. Luffy displayed some of his strengths when he shows that he made friends with the wildlife and warns the animals not to hurt his friends. Once Luffy is told they are ready to leave, he thanks the crew for putting up with his "selfish wish" for the last two years. The Fishman Island Saga.-Volume 61 - ROMANCE DAWN for the new world.598. We also find out that they manage to recruit three pirate groups with 10 men that have bounties. Return to Sabaody Arc Chapter 1: Two Years Later, an one piece fanfic | FanFiction. Rayleigh saves Zoro from Kizaru. The Return to Sabaody Arc. Arc ZOU (Episode 751-779) 44. His managers explained that by honestly telling them that Brook would be retiring, it would be the end of the business exploit hence inciting them to have Brook die with them. In the anime version, he instead expresses outrage at this same beautiful girl's mistreatment by being sold as a slave. The rest of Fake Luffy's crew join in to intimidate Luffy with the crowd hoping he will go along with their wishes. Before anything can happen, the Marines arrive and surround the pirates, ordering Fake Luffy's surrender. Oct 25, 2017 6,870. Welcome! But Luffy simply brushes them off and turns to leave. Catching himself, Chopper informs them of Robin's kidnapping. In Grove 47, Tony Tony Chopper is seen following after who he thinks is Zoro and Sanji, but in reality is more of the Fake Straw Hats, this bunch comprised of the former two as well as a Robin and Chopper who are a short woman and fox respectively. What is One Piece? Arc Caesar Retrieval (Episode 626-628) 41. But of course, Nami knows better and only proceeded to enjoy her drink. Reverse Mountain. Logue Town Arc: 5 chapters 29. The Marines closing in snaps Luffy back to attention and he continues to run, thanking Rayleigh one more time. Preview From Training! The okamas are dealing with another bunch of Marines, trying to break their hearts. Perona uses more of her negative ghosts on the Marines. Amazon Lily Arc (Manga Chapters 514-524) 6-3. Your favourite One Piece arc post Timeskip? Follow/Fav Return to Sabaody Arc. The Fake Robin tries to lure Chopper over with a cucumber, but the men that were tracking Robin suddenly rush in and grab the fake one, along with the Fake Chopper, in a sack then run off, much to everyone's confusion. Share to … Luffy explains that she a friend of his earning Sanji's jealousy. Meanwhile in Grove 42, Sanji has come across a fisherman and tries to buy some fish. Glad I finished my reread before 1000 leaks get out of hand. Return to Sabaody Archipelago. Staffel bereits vergangenes Jahr zu sehen war. Rayleigh, who is also in the bar, mentions he trained Luffy for only one and a half years before leaving him and has not seen him since. the crowd yells at Brook's farewell concert. OP: The Rivet Island Arc- Ch. The Pirate Straw Hat Luffy is ALIVE!". Usopp, worried since Luffy has not shown up, asks about him. A flashback is then seen when Luffy was saying his goodbyes to the Kuja Pirates. Meanwhile over in Grove 13 and Shakky's Bar, Sanji has arrived and found out that Zoro arrived on the island first. Before his death, he will reveal to the whole world the existence of his treasure, in order to encourage the bravest to go on an adventure. Overall I thought it was decent, although the Return to Sabaody arc was by far the best part simply because it was the first time we got to see the new and improved Straw Hats. Luffy dodges Pacifista’s beams. Plus beinhalten beide Arc’s einige meiner Fav-Charakteren xD. Ch. Fishman Island Arc (Manga Chapters 603-653) Dressrosa Saga 8-1. Read and review, and no flames or hate, please. She comes aboard and finds that the ship has been coated and ready for underwater travel. Read and review, and no flames or hate, please. As it does, Usopp notices that no Marines from the mainland are chasing them anymore. Back in the present day, Fake Luffy is threatening Luffy with his pistol and trying to get Luffy to fear him. Upon his last run-in and Hancock's suggestion, he finally dons the fake mustache given to him and mistakes the fakes for the real ones though they question whether he was the "kid" they were looking for. Stimme jetzt ab! The vice admiral there quickly deploys his troops to the island. In Grove 46, the Fake Luffy is about to sic his pirates on the real Luffy, commenting that it'll serve as a warning to whomever crosses him while Luffy asks Fake Zoro and Fake Sanji if he (Fake Luffy) is a friend of theirs. The said figure is not phased and just tells him it was their bad luck to meet him. However his disguise is knocked off, revealing himself to everyone in the area. He confirms four of them: Gashed Albion at a bounty of File:Beli.png92,000,000, Lip Service Doughty at a bounty of File:Beli.png88,000,000 and the brothers Caribou, Wet-hair and Blood Splattered, at bounties of File:Beli.png210,000,000 and File:Beli.png190,000,000, respectively. Two years have passed and Luffy retrieves his hat just as Hancock and the Kuja Pirates arrive to take him back to Sabaody Archipelago. But they are suddenly stopped by Slave Arrows. However another Pacifista gets in their way and prepares to fire. Rayleigh, remembering their training together, tells Luffy to go straight for the top. Arc Z’s Ambition (Episode 575-578) Filler Movie Z 39. Unfortunately, the Marines and his former managers have flanked him. I may stop watching the anime after the Return to Sabaody arc, anyway. During their stay, they meet an old enemy Hatchan, his friends Keimi and Papaggu, and the first mate of Gold Roger, Silvers Rayleigh, as well as 9 rookie pirates known as the "11 Supernovas". We also find out that they manage to recruit three pirate groups with 10 men that have bounties. Marineford Arc (Manga Chapters 550-580) 6-5. Posted by Crizoe Rodillo at 05:59 No comments: Email This BlogThis! Back on Sabaody, Fake Luffy has shot an innocent bystander thinking it was Nami and Usopp. Luffy thanks him for everything for the last two years and yells that he is gonna be the Pirate King. In another part of the island, Robin, who has recently arrived, finds that she's being tracked by some unknown men, as well as confused at Brook having a concert and the Straw Hats recruiting new members. One Piece by Eiichiro Oda is an ongoing anime series that started in 1999. Sanji, now beyond annoyed by Zoro, starts a fight. Forgot to finish my arc tier list yesterday cuz of basketball, but it's finally done. Chopper, though, swoons at the idea of how famous he is motivating him to want to create a signature. However another Pacifista gets in their way and prepares to fire. Little Garden. Unfortunately, the Marines and his former managers have flanked him. Glad I finished my reread before 1000 leaks get out of hand. This arc marks a turning point for the Straw Hat Pirates since they are all utterly defeated by powerful opponents such as Admiral Kizaru, several Pacifista, Bartholomew Kuma, and Sentomaru, and are then separated from one another. Open Upon the Great Sea! Discussion . Fake Luffy orders Caribou and Coribou to use the Marine they wounded earlier as a shield to make an exit. Hancock is even more infatuated with Luffy though he tells her that he is not marrying her. A rendition of the Return to Sabaody Arc, featuring my OC, Blizzard. A rendition of the Return to Sabaody Arc, featuring my OC, Blizzard. Well, ‘best’ would refer to my personal, subjective opinion and cannot be applied to everyone that may read or watch One Piece. Return to Sabaody Arc (Manga Chapters 598-602) 7-2. Haredas and his fellow weather scientists manufacture rain over the island, soaking the Marines' gunpowder. The real Luffy wonders what the heck going on as his fake self quickly loses control of the situation. Luffy manages to jump away as the other pirates are caught in the blast. Two years have passed and Luffy retrieves his hat just as Hancock and the Kuja Pirates arrive to take him back to Sabaody Archipelago. Revelations abound as all three ride the bubble, Chopper is brought up to speed on what's going on such as that the kidnapped Robin is a fake (as the real one would not be easy to catch) and that the Straw Hats he met before were also fakes. Back in Grove 42, Brook has reunited with the other Straw Hats on the Thousand Sunny, immediately asking to see Nami's panties once on board (and once more getting kicked for his trouble). Two years have passed and Luffy retrieves his hat just as Hancock and the Kuja Pirates arrive to take him back to Sabaody Archipelago. During his rant, Fake Zoro and Fake Sanji return with the real Luffy. As it does, Usopp notices that no Marines from the mainland are chasing them anymore. Ridiculous--Tell This to the World. This is the current shortest arc in the second half of the series. This is my first project in DeviantArt Feel free to download and leave comments. Post-War Arc: 17 chapters 21. In Return to Sabaody Arc (519) How did Zoro know the information about Strawhats return to Sabaody by rank? One Piece: Return to Sabaody Arc. They soon start calling for "Luffy" to help them. The scene then changes to Sabaody Archipelago, which has become much more lawless due to Marineford having switched locations to an area in the New World and their old base now being a common Marine base called G-1 that used to be on the other side of the Red Line. Franky then removes the bag and Nami order everyone to raise the sail much to Usopp's confusion. Voices roar as the rotund fake Luffy amplifies his followers spirits, who all believe that following him will lead their pirating careers to greater heights, having achieve such notoriety in the past for instigating massive damage upon the three prominent facilities of the World Government (Enies Lobby, Impel Down, and Marineford). In Grove 47, Fake Zoro and Fake Sanji, along with the real Chopper, have regrouped with the Fake Straw Hats who are recovering. He gives the okama a quick goodbye (while also flipping them off) thanking them for bringing him to Sabaody and telling them to give Iva his best before he runs off to try to find Nami and Robin. Arc Silver Mine (Episode 747-750) Filler Movie One Piece Film Gold 43. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Sanji, now beyond annoyed by Zoro, starts a fight. Meanwhile in Grove 42, Sanji has come across a fisherman and tries to buy some fish. The said figure is not phased and just tells him it was their bad luck to meet him. By: Sounga12. Many characters make their first appearance after the timeskip. Obviously, it is too good to be true and the island's residents soon show their true colors. One thing is the Marines getting a new fleet admiral (who is revealed to be Akainu in the, Brook is acknowledged by the Marines not only for his previous affiliations with the. Sanji's left eye and left eyebrow are shown (purposefully, not an artist error) for the first time. The Detective Memoirs of Chief Straw Hat Luffy, Legend of the Sacred Burning Beast of Baldimore, The Fake Luffy nervously tries to threaten the Marine captain but is quickly hammered into the ground and taken out much to his crew's surprise. The Fakes foam at the mouth when they realize they had actually threatened the real deal. Chopper, though, swoons at the idea of how famous he is motivating him to want to create a signature. Whiskey Peak. If you think that Whisky peak or little garden will make a return in the story,then good luck but that's a 0% chance for them to make these 18 year old arcs return now Post-War Arc With that, he places the hat on his head and prepares to leave Rusukaina. Once the floating bag is removed, the ship will sink. Little Garden Arc: 15 chapters 22. As "Luffy" calls for more drinks, he notices the woman from before and invites her over. The Straw Hats descend to Fish-Man Island. The fisherman told him to get on the boat, but instead the man got on a pirate ship by mistake which took off underwater. Vivi isn't a significant fighter in Reverie,actually no fights took place in reverie and this game is all about fighting. Laboon Arc: 5 chapters 28. She politely refuses which quickly gains the ire of the "Straw Hats". She then warns the three that Marine ships are near the island. Hancock makes the suggestion of Luffy wearing a hood to conceal his identity as she knows the Marines are still looking for him even after 2 years. not counting the Revervie Arc as it hasn’t finished yet. Return to Sabaody . Brook is more than grateful and excited to reunite with the Straw Hats. But of course, Nami knows better and only proceeded to enjoy her drink. Chopper runs off, unable to believe they would just abandon "Robin" and goes off to try to rescue her himself. Once Luffy is told they are ready to leave, he thanks the crew for putting up with his "selfish wish" for the last two years. As the Marine is speaking on the den-den mushi, he further adds how unthinkable it would be for the future if this company of people were to be united as one crew with "Straw Hat Luffy's" as their Captain, when Wet-hair Caribou suddenly looms over from behind the fractured wall that the Marine was leaning against. They soon start calling for "Luffy" to help them. Luffy then gives the order to set sail and the Straw Hats, reunited after two years, continue their journey to the New World. Volumes Arc – Sabaody Archipelago. Sabaody Archipelago Arc (Manga Chapters 490-513) 6-2. "Straw Hat Luffy...Dead? Perona uses more of her negative ghosts on the Marines. Some of them even root for him as a worthy candidate for the next Pirate King, and being part of his crew meant some shared glory in the future. The Return to Sabaody Arc is the 24th arc of the manga and anime One Piece. Sentomaru realizes that the Fake Luffy has tricked the pirates present and orders the Pacifista to identify him. Brook's fans become distressed at the news, while others were silently musing that Brook should be granted leniency, even if he truly was a member of the Straw Hats, since that crew of Pirates were long thought to be dead and gone. Their ruse exposed, the rest of the Fake Straw Hats make a run for it while their now former subordinates are outraged at being deceived. In Grove 41, the real Zoro states his intention to fish at the beach. Post-Enies Lobby Arc: 11 chapters 25. - Was ist deine Meinung? But both instantly hit it their attacks, both cutting and breaking Pacifista's neck in the process. Two years have passed and Luffy retrieves his hat just as Hancock and the Kuja Pirates arrive to take him back to Sabaody Archipelago. The time has come. He abruptly stops as Usopp and Nami ride by on one of the Archipelago's bubble contraptions calling to him. Preview from Training! Dressrosa Saga. 27.35 % (93 … One Piece Manga Chapter 598-602. The Marine falls back on the ground in horror as the Caribou Brothers intimidate him, prompting his superiors to bring in back up upon realizing that their mole had been spotted at the other end of the Den Den Mushi line. This Arc happened on Episode 517-522 in One Piece Anime. They report back to Grove 66, another Marine base, about this to which the Marines begin to mobilize, ordering to usher the civilians away from the Grove that would soon become a battlefield, and mentioning that reinforcements from G-1 would also arrive later on. Luffy displayed some of his strengths when he shows that he made friends with the wildlife and warns the animals not to hurt his friends. The others are surprised that a Shichibukai is helping them. Sentomaru moves out with Pacifista Units PX-5 and PX-7. The new characters in general are disposable and annoying. Pacifistas attacking the recruits of the Impostor Straw Hat Crew. The series is close to reaching 1000 chapters and 100 published volumes, which tell the adventures of the Straw Hat Pirates over 9 sagas and more than 30 arcs.One Piece has already been adapted to an animated series, several movies, special … hide. Story Arcs Luffy manages to jump away as the other pirates are caught in the blast. Return to Sabaody Arc; Fish-Man Island Arc; After each member goes through their own training, the crew reunites where they said they would two years prior and continues their travels. Chopper gallops through Sabaody Archipelago's Grove 35, in his reindeer form, yelling wildly for Robin (the fake one that was kidnapped) while also questioning the actions of the Straw Hats (the fake ones). Music: Letter to Dana - Sonata ArcticaAnime: One PieceEpisodes: 404 - 405 - 517 - 518 - 519 - 520 - 521 - 522Waa!! As Luffy leaves the area, he sees the real Zoro and Sanji running towards him. His managers explained that by honestly telling them that Brook would be retiring, it would be the end of the business exploit hence inciting them to have Brook die with them. At a local tavern, Nami learns the Marines have switched their headquarters with their G1 Branch to be next to the Four Emperors. However, as he says that, a pirate ship suddenly floats back up from underwater, now cut in half. She politely refuses which quickly gains the ire of the "Straw Hats". Next → D tier: Return to Sabaody, Orange Town, Little Garden, Reverse Mountain, Syrup Village, Long Ring Long Land. There are also fake Straw Hats who wanted to capitalize on their disappearance. Rumors of the Straw Hats suddenly reappearing and recruiting new members have circulated. Follow/Fav Return to Sabaody Arc. Heracles uses giant horned beetles against them, wishing Usopp luck on his journey. The Marines confirm him as "Humming Brook" with a File:Beli.png33,000,000 bounty and a member of the Straw Hat crew. Nami is overjoyed to see the real Robin again and, to a shyer extent, the real Franky. Some of them even root for him as a worthy candidate for the next Pirate King, and being part of his crew meant some shared glory in the future. Their path and winks at Luffy, Sanji slowly spells it out him... Sold as a shield to make an exit: the Sabaody Archipelago to reunite with the Flying fish who! 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Run, thanking Rayleigh one more time Luffy aus dem sogenannten Return to Arc... 25, 2017 31,420 Coolest person in the process however, do not a!