Gallery List. Boost traffic by filling gaps. no seriously go fuck yourself no one needs this mentality. Deathwing the Destroyer,[6] formerly known as Neltharion the Earth-Warder (pronounced "nehl-THAW-ree-uhn"), was one of the five Dragon Aspects and leader of the black dragonflight. Today he’s already began the in game harrassment by throwing some manner of fruit/vegetable at me. Even cutting contact off with them oocly for perceivably having taken my side. Do you have imgur posts logged on the wayback machine? Didn't make it yet but I guess it's only a matter of time and trys. And during that conversation aside from being hostile and volatile he was more interested in discovering the identity of those that had reached out regarding his transphobic behavior. ☆★Like my video? Callout for Garwig/Plain, N I C O, Alexandria Morrowgrove and the SCW » For the past few months me and a few friends have been linked in complete bullshit. I think my question was eaten or something D: Was trying to say Bubbasnot, the DK Groomer is playing a monk called Alexander Lancaster now. Sorry but neither of those are an excuse for being a pedophile, sweetheart. Also describes toxic behavior as not respecting peoples boundaries/triggers despite being told multiple times to not. Grid List. The addon automaticly opens small window when it detects player entering the Spine of Deathwing encounter subzone and resets counters on pull.,, -Ignus once attempted to approach me regarding these issues, and after I replied to him did not say anything and logged off. Do remember upon reading, i’m not trying to tell you/anyone what to do. Along with her TRP of her Loli character, Yui. 10 Avg. You can't stop moving. When others started to confront him with his behavior he made an effort to reach out to me. Pedophilia is not something you just wait to 'blow over’, Aleyn. can you remake the album imgur of migs' discord getting leaked with all the slurs and shit? She has blamed her actions on Autism and Anxiety. She namedropped a minor she had hurt and wished for revenge. But to inform, as I believe that as members of the community we have an obligation to keep one another safe, and to point out potential hazards as we see them. For the next stage, see Madness of Deathwing. Now, you’re wondering 'well she regrets it, what’s so wrong about that?’ well let me tell you! She refuses to go to therapy nor does she actually care for the minors she hurt. Kitai is 15~ years old IC and Whibel is 50+ years old IC. I’m unfamiliar with the item. She’s known for her characters on MG-A, especially in any type of Gilneas-themed RPs. Start free trial for all Keywords. Subscribe: ★☆ Hey guys! Here’s a masterpiece of MS Paint representing Deathwing’s back! When solo, they don’t really do anything special. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, guys used to be on MG, got blasted out of there around 2016 and joined WrAfound them shit-talking some random pvper in a random battleground calling them f*ggot and telling them to kill themselves. hint: type realm and/or guild/character names 9 Search Popularity. The original poster would need to rebuild it. Arguably the funniest part is that these two are together IRL (gay men), but they enable each other to be THIS toxic. Removing me from groups and being generally insulting.-When a friend attempted to mediate the situation above, Ignus got incredibly toxic to that friend, being insulting and demeaning to them. 2021-01-07 22:56:38. spineofdeathwing:. Traffic to Competitors . I myself experienced this when his rp disrupted my own for aproximately eight hours as I was involved in an arc with his rp and another group, and he would continuously attack then mysteriously heal to full only to attack again, and would send ooc vaguely ominous messages before swarming people with those he’s convinced to join. Also her admitting to saving a minor’s 'butt’ picture of him wearing pants and sending him pictures of her tits in return. I will try to check this tumblr daily, as work and time permits. Not officially back yet but I thought I’d pop on to remind y’all that if you voted for trump you deserve to fucking choke. Tagged: spine is so tired yall, Anonymous, . He will engage in combat and have his character accept all manner of injury, only to appear ten minutes later as if nothing had happened at all to repeat the process. stay safe out there, folks. Spine of Deathwing is a single phase encounter that takes place on Deathwing's back, as he is flying through the air. She says she regrets it- but still copied her actions.Hm. I know a bulleted list doesn’t quite catch every nuance of what has happened here, and I also know i’m not the only one with experiences regarding this issue. Traffic to Competitors . maps = minor attracted persons and guess what THAT MEANS LADS!! I thought this blog called out scumbags? What kind of fuckery. Character name is Soulsaber. Not too long ago Aleyn was called out on RPH (A private RP server) For being a pedophile. 7 comments. PEOPLE WHO SAY THEY'RE 'NOMAPS' ARE 'NON OFFENDED MINOR ATTRACTED PEOPLE'! She claims to be for social justice, but maybe she could practice what she preaches? If he’s reverted then by all means, but i’m hoping it isn’t the case. Now lastly, her ADMITTING to all of the above being true. She’s still active on retail and goes there for time to 'get away from it all’. I was sorely mistaken. Not to hide my identity, but because I literally don’t use tumblr. H: Spine of Deathwing, detailed history. Sorry for possible spam D: Saw these two characters interacting. Spinal-WyrmrestAccord NA. - Proof of her sending ERP / Sext logs to a 14 year old through discord. 5 years ago. spine of deathwing tumblr. Banegrivm is going absolutely mental on the Emerald Dream forums atm. level 1 . But yeah, he’s definitely a red flag for the server. Which again, my purpose here isn’t to tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t do. The only ones that seem to still get any press are and it's really discouraging for someone trying to get into goblin rp. Sadly no. Pretty much guilt tripped and manipulated trade chat with his.. i don’t even know what to call it. Report Save. 99.9% of this blog's content are submitted posts. Evirin-Moon Guard, a member of Magus Senate of Dalaran, has racist pets in their Armory. It was only created to counter their post about me, which was created first. I made it myself, can you tell? Infact, she wanted to get revenge on them when a friend of hers at the time, Alianna, offered to. Traffic to Competitors . As well as some of his group. Multiple people have come forward with their experiences about her. Neltharion was originally the mighty black wyrm chosen by the titan Khaz'goroth to be one of the five Dragon Aspects, with domain over the earth and the deep places of the world. share | improve this question | follow | edited Dec 2 '11 at 17:49. au revoir. world-of-warcraft. For the overall boss tactics, see Deathwing. Spine of Deathwing 10 Man Heroic strategy guide brought to you by FATBOSS. When I further iterated that I did not want to speak with him and that I had desired not to have contact with him he continued on until the point that I had to block him from Discord. Thanks to all of you. - Accounts from minors who have come into contact with her. Traffic to Competitors . Such a great time every time I do it. I was wondering if the spine of Deathwing encounter is soloable yet? The first battle with Deathwing, and thus the penultimate boss encounter of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, will be fought on the Spine of Deathwing. Once players land, the raid encounters four Corruptions tendrils. (All screens grouped below, sorry they’re out of order) there is a need for further screenshots, which there are, or any other questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. 4 days ago. You might remember me from the Imgur post I made a while ago about a few people who commissioned me, and the drama that it stirred. Last update . As a result, here are the finer points and cautionary information.-Ignus took the ic into the ooc and claimed I lied to him about my character when this was profoundly untrue, he has not changed this claim although he did make an attempt to apologize for the behavior, which doesn’t mean much when he continued to lie thereafter. spineofdeathwing tumblr. She admitted herself she’s waiting until this blows over. I can't even get past the first plate Deathwing always hurls me off his back no matter what I do. Curious that you didn't post that proof of Gallows admitting he's a fascist. He was chosen as the caretaker of the continents of Azeroth, and he used his power to forge mountains and rivers for the benefit of mortal races. Great to know that spine of death wing REFUSES to post anything if it deals with their friends. The Spine of Deathwing is the first of two encounters dealing with Neltharion (Deathwing the Destroyer), in which the goal of the raid is to remove three of Deathwing's armored plates while dealing with different adds through out the encounter. He is no longer (to my knowledge) of that mindset and has changed for the better in that regard. Your raid will need to properly deal with several types of adds in order to pry up and remove 3 armor plates from Deathwing's back. I thought to go over it from beginning to end but I’m afraid that would be a post too long and that it wouldn’t get red. Welcome to World of Warcraft how to solo Deathwings spine. Is there a reason why he gets a pass? Hello! Enjoy what’s compiled. Spine of Deathwing is a single phase encounter that takes place on Deathwing's back, as he is flying through the air. Oh boy, soloing Spine of Deathwing. In the new Spine of Deathwing fight, to get the armour plates off you have to kill the tendons. As the tumblr handle implies, I had to make a tumblr to post this. Links will be provided here to the imgur albums with the contents of what they have. I’ll provide all the screenshots I have. during that conversation (screenshots provided) he personally attacked that friend, myself, and another rp partner.-Ignus blocked an officer of another guild for being a male oocly, and has made several disparaging remarks regarding the lgbt community (Names have been removed from those screenshots to preserve identity, as those that informed of as much do not wish retaliation as he is known to be volatile and hostile oocly. 2822. The encounter starts with a small cut scene, which players can escape out of to allow more time to get obtain one's bearings before landing on Deathwing's back. Lets help her not outrun her actions. When a Corruption tendril is killed, it spawns a Hideo… Spine of Deathwing is a single phase encounter that takes place on Deathwing's back, as he is flying through the air. I know we got a lot of unicorns in this expansion but i think this one’s the hardest to find. Classic Large. PEDOPHILES!! Not to hide my identity, but because I literally don’t use tumblr. The dude is off his fucking rocker and a total creep. She claims to be for social justice, but maybe she could practice what she preaches? In this screenshot from 2011 you may be discern my little rogue, overlooking the small Horde town of Hammerfall in … :/. Evirin-Moon Guard. The window autohides after completing the fight or wiping (subzone changes in both cases). Does this have to be done in one go or can you do it in two attempts? These screenshots were taken before the first link. - Aleyn being caught ERPing with two minors she KNEW were minors. 8 Avg. level 2. Would you or anyone who frequents here happen to know if there are *any* goblin-orientated guilds that aren't scummy? As the tumblr handle implies, I had to make a tumblr to post this. Ignus being passive aggressive and angry all the while. I'd ask that no one else go after them using me as fodder. For the character biography, see Deathwing. Ages ago, Neltharion was empowered by the Pantheon with dominion over the earth and the deep places of Azeroth. Posts . yall with this mindset can literally go die in a ditch, The imgur link seems to be down for the clown comp, can't access it at all, Looks like it was taken down, hope someone saved all that shite. I don’t even know how to comment on this, so I’ll just let the images do the speaking for themselves. 26 Search Popularity. spineofdeathwing: “who the hell involves their kid in their rp drama and makes videos about it holy hell i dont use the word cringe very often but this is literal cringe ” Jealousy! Because it’s old news and submitted every week and I honestly don’t see the point. The arc he was previously a part of has been stopped and others are now beginning to speak out. I personally don’t like goblins so i can’t help you, maybe someone else can? 40. share. We are getting unexplained instakill flips, but it is not showing the animation. Evirin-Moon Guard, a member of Magus Senate of Dalaran, has racist pets in their Armory. There’s not much to do about his current behavior except hope he starts learning someday. I simply wanted to say that I've removed that post due to their requests, as they have told me it's caused harassments. Does their health reset each time they manage to seal a plate back on? share. They preach and PREACH about how they must expose the scumbags of the WoW community until it … Text Citation Audio Photo Video Lien Discussion. 10 Search Popularity. Classic Large. I accepted the contact thinking there would be a resolution. save hide report. If you have … As of Patch 5.04 Heroic: Spine of Deathwing is no longer a requirement for Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider. )-Ignus has several within his group, Menoside/Tydiz who uses the term ‘gay’ negatively and disparagingly. BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE. 10 Avg. Your raid will need to properly deal with several types of adds in order to pry up and remove 3 armor plates from Deathwing's back. Which is where we begin today with Ignus. Comment by ktoth04 This does not appear duo-able in patch 6.0. The idea is to open a big enough hole in Deathwing's armor, so as to give Thrall a clear shot with the Dragon Soul. Ironically enough they say LBGTQ+ friendly in their TRPs, yet they use slurs and derogatory terms. Spine of Deathwing is a single phase encounter that takes place on Deathwing's back, as he is flying through the air. His method of rp is incredibly disruptive, and there are multiple accounts of others experiencing the godmoding and general meta gaming. However, driven mad by the Old Gods, he turned against the other Aspects during the War of … I had to turn the BEWAREs off for that fight, I only have the countdown from 5 now. Your raid will need to properly deal with several types of adds in order to pry up and remove 3 armor plates from Deathwing's back. JUST TRYING TO BE ~NORMALIZED~ AND IF THESE FUCKERS THINK THEY CAN JOIN THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY YOU GOT ANOTHER THING COMIN' CAUSE I'M GAY AND I DO CRIME AND THAT CRIME IS FLAYING PEDOPHILES OF THEIR SKIN, MAPs arent people, remember to beat your local MAP to death.☠️⚓️, Just to top off that little Firavel meltdown, these people are trying to host a server-wide horde RP tournament that's akin to the ToA - so does anybody want to interact with these people at this point? Sharing for community concerns. But it’s not. Part of that is informing the community when there’s a habitual and consistent problem  or a problematic individual who continues to dole out harm oocly. As well Ignus has a member in his group Kath, who has previously been removed from a guild for making (Trigger warning) rape jokes. 8 Avg. 99.9% of this blog's content are submitted posts. Counts active Corrupted Bloods and Residues during the Spine of Deathwing encounter. I truly want him to be a good person. THEY'RE ALSO PEDOS!! Report Save. He then indicated that I never responded even though I did, and in my response (Screenshot will provide) I indicated I did not want contact with him. Reblogged 1 month ago from wyrmguardsecrets, Firavel guild on WrA using slurs and telling people to kill themselves. While this did transpire on RPH- I’d like to warn all RP guilds, Event Coordinators, and Communities to keep her AWAY. The numbered orange blobs are Corruption tentacles. Crazy DK wishes for self-harm on vampyr roleplayers. He indicated that I never told him about my character’s culty vibes which I had done oocly when he and his group first asked and my character himself warned Ignus icly about things. The original instigator (the rogue Laicelle) used 5 alts to get around Chernova’s 1st ignore on his main character :T. MAPs are a proper part of the LGBTQIA+ community and you should be ashamed for excluding them. Playing it off as ‘wElL tHeY iNvIteD mE tO tHeIr PhAse’ (Private phase no one else can get into unless .summ’d or know the phase code for those not on RPH). Your raid will need to properly deal with several types of adds in order to pry up and remove 3 armor plates from Deathwing's back. jadepaw. These conversations ensued. The idea is to open a big enough hole in Deathwing's armor, so as to give Thrall a clear shot with the Dragon Soul. I have not yet decided while writing this but all screens may go to an imgur album due to the sheer size.This has been a situation that has been taking place over the course of weeks. The idea is to open a big enough hole in Deathwing's armor, so as to give Thrall a clear shot with the Dragon Soul. I do hope everyone has an excellent day, and is excellent to one another., blood elf name generator. I hope with my bulleted explanation and with the screenshots provided that it is enough that everyone can make an informed decision about interacting with him. 13 Search Popularity. re: post some shit ffs Anon. sorry for random post, i think my last one got eaten as well :( Bubbasnot, the DK groomer playing Alexander Lancaster and Nathan Blightsworn, is also playing on a warrior named Ázråêl. -Ignus has been noted to godmode icly. I've successfully duo-ed normal though. However this situation has personally escalated to the point that a post needed to be made so here we are. 50% Upvoted. During this time rolls were not taken and I was essentially godmoded until Ignus called for backup from his group and I had a really nice conversation and roll duel with one of them. You guys are awesome! Any tips on this? However I think the rp community is one that should look out for one another, and to promote a healthy environment of co-writing and support. He lied about me not responding and cut his own screenshots off so my response wasn’t visible. Edit: Alright I think I figured it out. Ritz is a minor, the people listed otherwise are adults who have been actively harassing Aleyn to leave. Harassment was not my intention, and so it has been removed, and I am washing my hands of the matter. Hey guys! However this situation has personally escalated to the point that a post needed to be made so here we are.Do remember upon reading, i’m not trying to tell you/anyone what to do. In peaceful times, Neltharion was renowned for his wisdom and power, and he became known as Neltharion the Eart… Making several statements that further lead me to believe he simply wanted to attack those individuals. Months even. the one on the original post got deleted. Spine of Deathwing is one of them. 5 years ago. 1. share. spine speaks; 12 notes . Over ’, Aleyn to one another maps = minor attracted persons and guess what means. 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