Gatz then called in the Colosseum gladiators who had initially gone after Luffy and his comrades for Doflamingo's bounties, and they went to confront Doflamingo while Gatz carried Luffy away. Viola then saw the nutcrackers attacking Luffy's group and discovered that Sugar had been revived. On the bridge, Law continued fighting Doflamingo, who received a call from Diamante about Viola betraying them. What happens to the imprisoned gladiators as they are transformed into toys and unable to disobey any orders given to them. Corazon pulled a gun on Doflamingo, saying he could not let Law follow in his brother's footsteps. When Trebol was gone, the dwarves confronted Sugar and prepared to forcibly knock her out, but Sugar turned all of the attacking dwarves into toy bears, forcing them to attack their comrades who no longer remembered them. Not to mention Sabo; he renters the narrative not as the scruffy young kid with a tooth missing, but as a sharp dressed and fair-faced adult. During Rebecca's flashback to her time with her mother, looking closely at the dinner table shows a third chair and plate at the table. A character entering a tournament under an old man alias. [53] Usopp saw the mob heading for them, and after hearing about Maujii's discovery, Viola looked around the palace for Mansherry, who was being held in a small cell somewhere. Just as in the previous arc, this happens to Doflamingo. In the midst of this, Bartolomeo urinated off the side of the arena, and was confronted by Hack. Trebol also found the Tontatta's death cry of "P~gyaa" to be hilarious and later made the same sound when Law dealt a fatal blow to him. Senor Pink found that he could make Russian smile by wearing Gimlet's bonnet and pacifier, and so adopted this style of dress. Thunder Soldier remembers his past as Kyros. Franky and Thunder Soldier arrived at a cave underneath the Flower Field, where Zoro was with some of the dwarves, who revealed that Usopp had come to lead them. It quickly becomes obvious that Doflamingo has done very little to endear himself to others outside his crew, barring the masses. He wouldn't regain those memories until, Maynard attacks Gambia and throws him into the Colosseum's trash room, only for Bartolomeo to send, Upon their arrival in Dressrosa, the crew splits into three teams: Law, Robin, and Usopp will go to Green Bit to give back Caesar Clown; Nami, Chopper, Brook, and Momonosuke will stay behind to guard the. Elsewhere, Sai was put on a table for his injuries to be treated, only to be sent into a pit filled with broken toys alongside the other losers from B and C Blocks. Like complete shit. Deciding not to arrest Law, Sengoku told the pirate to live free like Corazon had wished. After centuries of not interacting with the people of Dressrosa save for being subjugated by the Donquixote Family, the Tontatta Tribe reveals their existence and live openly alongside the people of Dressrosa. While Luffy kept Doflamingo occupied, he told Cavendish to get Law to safety, and Leo looked into stitching Law's arm back on. The two began fighting, with Fujitora being annoyed and amused by Luffy telegraphing his attacks. That's Kyros' place, with the man himself having been removed from the memory. When he appears next, firmly opposed to Doflamingo, he has some noticeable lumps on his head, suggesting his king had to 'persuade' him not to get greedy. Doflamingo told him to hand over Caesar's heart, revealing that he had trapped Luffy in the Colosseum. [80] On top of the palace, Doflamingo and Trebol brutally overwhelmed Law, but Law remained defiant until Doflamingo tried to finish him off by shooting him. It's been long for sure but totally enjoyable!! [27] In Flower Hill, the Soldier stated that Doflamingo had created numerous tragedies by having anyone who went against him turned into toys, causing them to no longer be remembered. Oh, and. The soldier went into the Colosseum, which authorities were barred from entering, before going to talk to Luffy and Franky. However, when some other gladiators came to capture Luffy, Zoro, and Law, the group quickly came together to beat them off. The only people who have the power to pull off such a grandiose stunt such as that... are the, Jean the Bandit in the tournament when his projectiles don't hit Luffy, but, The Straw Hats, particularly Usopp, get two in Chapter 730 when they realize 1) there is a Marine Admiral on Dressrosa and 2) a ship from Big Mom comes after the, Sorta one for Doflamingo, when one of the guards announces that they have spotted Luffy in the palace. The Marines refused to hand over their weapons, and were stripped. He threatened anyone who mistreated Law with death and outright. [9] Dagama and Blue Gilly then broke the formation around Elizabello as they betrayed the people in it, but Blue Gilly took down Dagama as well. Across the world, people received the news correcting the report about Doflamingo. Right before Doflamingo shoots him (again), he offers Law the chance to die via giving him eternal life instead, in exchange for one last wish. Many aspects of One Piece's future were discussed, but most surprising of all was Oda's statement that he intended on finishing the series withi… After Sai and Boo, among others, are transformed into toys, not only does Don Chinjao forget about them but also the Marines waiting outside wonder about these unfamiliar names on their list. In the flashback, we get one where a nun of Flevance assures Law that the World Government has assured their escape, and to bring his sister Lami to them. Machvise then attacked Franky by increasing his weight and slamming into the ground, and Bastille's forces arrived to confront Franky as well. Zoro ran off while he was distracted, and as Sanji looked around, Violet suddenly came up to him and asked him to hold her. Upon Sugar's defeat, all those subjected to. The Royal Army went out to collect money from the citizens, and out of faith in their king, they gave all they had. The Straw Hats, Trafalgar Law, Kinemon and Momonosuke, having formed an alliance, travel to Dressrosa to implement their plans. Corazon cures Law's illness by feeding him the Ope Ope no Mi. [53] Led by Mansherry's aide Maujii, they broke into the room labeled as Mansherry's, but found it was only a storage room. He stated that with Law's Ope Ope no Mi powers, he could have had a surgery performed on him that would allow him to live forever and use the treasure to take over the world, but angrily stated that Law had gone against him despite everything he gave to him. As they sat, Luffy was suddenly grabbed by the gladiators inside the cell, and Rebecca attacked him. Chapter 801: The Straw Hats all get bounty increases but Sanji's wanted posted is listed as only alive for unknown reasons. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [54] Kin'emon and Kanjuro then made it to the King's Plateau, and to Usopp's horror, Kanjuro revealed that he had drawn a net for the mob to climb up. There, he said that he was ending the alliance with the Straw Hats, as his main goal was to bring Doflamingo down to avenge what happened 13 years ago. Luffy and Law received a call from Robin to let them know that she, Bartolomeo, and Rebecca would be going to give Law the key to his handcuffs. [40] However, the dwarves were decimated by Trebol and Robin was turned into a toy by Sugar after trying to attack her, and Usopp decided to run away rather than confront the Donquixote Pirates alone. Doflamingo initially struggled to keep up with Luffy's speed and strength, getting sent flying through buildings and not being able to dodge. Robin appeared to Law, having heard Sanji's call, and she planned to go to the port with Usopp. [80] Luffy attacked Doflamingo, but after a brief fight, he encountered the defeated Law. This gave the citizens strength and the will to help the weak, and up in the air, Luffy managed to break through Doflamingo's strings as he hit the Warlord of the Sea into the Palace Plateau wall. The Riku Family become one to the populace of Dressrosa. But Burgess proceeds to mock the futility of the request as the World Government made his capture into a spectacle anyway. Sai grew frustrated and jokingly told Baby 5 to die, and she prepared to commit suicide, as her childhood abandonment had left her with a desire to be useful to people. Burgess then leaped down to the streets, intent on killing Luffy and gaining his Devil Fruit power. The dwarves revealed that Sugar was being protected by Trebol in the Executive Tower in the center of the port, when some Donquixote Pirates discovered Usopp. Even though Doflamingo can kill him in a heartbeat, Gantz nonetheless continues to taunt him and buy time for Luffy to regain his Haki and get back into the fight. Doflamingo then attacked Law with a string clone while he took control of Bellamy and forced him to attack Luffy. Spartan, a star of the Colosseum, mocks "Lucy" for being a puny old man. With Sugar knocked out, the toys around Dressrosa returned to their human forms, and the people's memories of the toys returned, causing Dressrosa to fall into chaos. Thunder Soldier remembered his past life as the legendary gladiator Kyros. Law fights Doflamingo on the bridge to buy time for the. Zoro briefly clashed with the Admiral, but they were soon interrupted by Pica, who had become a massive stone behemoth.[48]. They came under attack by a pirate alliance who had come to take revenge on Luffy for taking down Doflamingo, but were saved when Fujitora dropped the rubble on the enemy pirates. Not to mention. [43] After a brief battle, Usopp was defeated, and Sugar decided to torture him by feeding him the Tatababasco. Diamante found himself under attack by the freed toys, while Rebecca and Bartolomeo discovered Sabo's true identity as Sabo reunited with Koala and Hack. With the plateau wall threatening Robin, Bartolomeo created a barrier around himself and Gladius, attacking the officer as he took the full force of Gladius' explosion. He cut his leg off to attack Doflamingo, but was turned into a toy by Sugar. Dressrosa is the second island the Straw Hats encounter in the New World, although the third island since the timeskip. To be fair, he didn't know "Lucy" was actually Luffy in disguise. The anime is shit. Chapter 705 gives us the gravity controlling blind man who Luffy met earlier being a replacement Admiral, Fujitora, and the appearance of CP-0. Big Mom's also still an active player, as she's still ticked off at Caesar (who is in the custody of the other half of the Straw Hats), added with Luffy's declaration of war against her at the tail end of the. When we first see it, Dressrosa is a magical land where humans live alongside "toys". He went up to praise from Usopp and the people around him, but told them not to be happy until the cage fell, and Doldo led the citizens down to help those in the streets. It also mentions that the Nefertaris were also one of the founding families of the World Government, but chose not to reside in Mariejois, meaning that both Vivi and Cobra are (technically) World Nobles as well. What an arc this has been! Sanji did so, and Kin'emon asked him to accompany him to the Toy House where Kanjuro was being held; as mentioned by Violet, the Factory was located behind the Toy House. Katakuri from the Whole Cake Island is promising, and there are some great moments in it but it's never really been the same for me since the Dressrosa arc either. A shocked Diamante resorted to shooting Kyros in the leg, causing him to be hit by the balls. But after hearing the citizens of Dressrosa trying to protect Luffy he begins to realize that he not only blinded himself to the bad things, but the good things in his world as well. Bartolomeo shielded Luffy, Law, and Kyros from Gladius' attacks with his own body, and Robin confronted Gladius to protect her captain.[56]. Bartolomeo then crashed his barrier into Elizabello, defeating him and winning B Block. However, Gladius attacked the group with exploding balls, causing Robin and Bartolomeo to fall. [22] Cavendish silenced the crowd, telling them to get down and fight Rebecca themselves if they hated her. So far 961 episodes of One Piece have been aired. Chapter 735: Fujitora revealing his intentions: Eliminating the Warlord system, starting with Doflamingo. [45] As Kyros took out several of Doflamingo's men including Buffalo and freed Doldo, Luffy worked to free Law from his Seastone handcuffs. Diamante doesn't have any love for Rebecca; but he won't tolerate a group of gladiators attempting to attack her after she won her block within the rules. [31], Zoro and Kin'emon were pursued by Bastille's platoon, and as they ran, Zoro told Luffy to find a way out. As the cage closed, it cut apart everything it touched and forced everyone to run away, and Doflamingo said it would converge on everyone in about an hour. The mooks who are watching the fight are worried that Lao G will get really angry for being ignored but due to his old age he didn't hear a single word Chinjao and Sai said. Chinjao then approached Luffy, thanking him for restoring his head. However, Dressrosa, which was a very hyped up arc since it was supposed to be Doflamingo's arc, completely ruined EVERYTHING. Law. He led them in a countdown, and although Doflamingo attacked him before it was done, and Mansherry's dandelions began to wear off, the crowd cheered as Luffy's recovery period ended. Read reviews on the anime One Piece: Episode of Sabo - 3 Kyoudai no Kizuna Kiseki no Saikai to Uketsugareru Ishi on MyAnimeList, the internet's largest anime database. A lot of people weren’t happy with some of the animation in the Dressrosa arc of the anime, particularly when it came to the colosseum. Once Doflamingo has had enough of the Straw Hats getting in his way, he resorts to just killing everyone on the island. 176. one piece movie and special png ... shichibukai png. The Straw Hats and their allies made it to Dressrosa,[1] and disembarked as they went over the plan. The underlings standing right next to Luffy when he very loudly starts laughing at Pica's high pitched voice. Bartolomeo said he would not let a comrade die without helping, and Luffy came running in looking for an exit. Meanwhile, Fujitora lifted up a large amount of rubble to crush his opponents, and as Law and Luffy returned to their comrades, Luffy refused to run away from Fujitora and punched him instead.[99]. Doflamingo's SMILE Factory is destroyed, putting an end to Kaido's SMILE production. [73], Bartolomeo and Gladius were left in shock, but Hakuba then turned his attention to Robin. However, Law disappeared, and Fujitora arrived to confront the criminals right as Luffy was returning from his detour. Doflamingo attacked Kin'emon, and as the two swordsmen recovered, they discovered that the blind man they had met was an Admiral. This thread is archived. [49], Pica quickly regrew his arm and attacked again, but Luffy managed to ride Ucy onto his other arm, with Abdullah and Jeet having joined him, Zoro, and Law on the bull's back. Luffy lasted around five or so panels before delivering one to a guy who's twenty times his size — which surprises everyone, Also Doflamingo to Smoker, especially how. In the streets below, Kyros moved past the citizens who were trying to capture him. By letting him glimpse into her mind, she revealed that Doflamingo never resigned from the Warlord title or abdicated his throne, which CP-0 had revealed to the citizens earlier. The city that Law hails from, Flevance, seemingly takes cues from. However, he tripped and fell as he ran outside and landed in front of some of the pirates, who realized that he had stolen the fruit. Inside the Green Bit forest, Robin and Usopp overheard an exchange between a group of Marines and an unseen people. Later during his fight with Doflamingo, a citizen brings up the same rumor. Sabo remembered how Fujitora was not leaving it to the Marines to stop Doflamingo, and on the King's Plateau, Doldo told the citizens to place their hopes on Luffy and his crew to take down Doflamingo as Fujitora came up to make the same bet. That blind man turns out to be an Admiral, and when Luffy tells him what actually happened, he makes a gravity well on the floor to crush the men inside. [41] However, he overheard the dwarves calling out his name as they told Trebol that he would come to rescue them, and Trebol mocked them as he started stepping on them. In response to this, the crews made the decision to still serve Luffy, but only when he needed them to, and consumed sake cups to form the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. To escape them, the Straw Hats sail through an area of wild currents, which surround an island that is only inhabited by an old man named Zenii and his goats. As an adult, he ends up eating the Flame-Flame Fruit, becoming immune to fire. Since she had no weapons, the dwarves prepared to strip her, but they were stopped by Flapper, who revealed that Robin was Usopp's friend.[13]. Law brought Sanji and Caesar to the Sunny, and told the Straw Hats to use his Vivre Card to take Caesar to Zou. Afterwards, as they were pillaging a town, Baby 5 asked Gladius and Lao G about Flevance. He had Law brought to him, and Law thought Corazon had told Doflamingo what had happened, but Doflamingo instead told Law that he was becoming an official member of the Donquixote Pirates. Yet no one could tell who he was until he removed it. Luffy won the C Block battle, and Burgess recognized him. He does it again on a much larger scale in the finale of the Doflamingo fight where his final attack punches Doflamingo so hard, the impact splits what remains of the. Zoro had no use for it at the moment, but told him to save it up. Russian said she hated pirates, and Pink had claimed to be a banker. Gol D. Roger starting the Golden Age of Piracy, the actions of Monkey D. Dragon, Monkey D. Luffy constantly defying the world itself) goes beyond mere ideological conflicts. Law told Luffy the plan, and as Luffy charged toward Doflamingo, Law switched places with him and hit Doflamingo with an attack that ruptured his internal organs. The scene where Robin is held prisoner by the dwarves is taken straight from, Viola's past appearance looks like a certain, It may or may not be intentional, but Robin as a toy looks quite a lot like, Doflamingo's "game" seems to have overtones of a certain, With Law, he tries to guilt trip him by stating that this was the country Corazon wanted to save, and that it was Law's fault it ended up in Doffy's hands — only for Law. To be the one responsible for bringing your beloved family to ruins and unspeakable horrors — going from luxurious lifestyle to squalid living conditions, being hunted by everyone around you, your wife getting sick and dying, your children getting beaten, starved and lynched alongside their parent at the hand of angry, hateful mob, and no help would come despite your desperate plea... because you severely misjudged the consequence of your simple, well-intentioned wish to live a decent, normal life, just like Doflamingo's father Donquixote Homing was. The B Block battle then began, and the strategist Dagama formed an alliance to protect Elizabello II, the king of the Prodence Kingdom. The arc is one big callback to Alabasta; The. [71] Meanwhile, as he was being overwhelmed by Lao G, Chinjao overheard the statements and got mad at Sai for entertaining Baby 5's advances, saying he was arranged to marry Uholisia of the Niho Navy. As she tangled with Gladius, Robin told Rebecca to go on to the Flower Field. and gets part of his face torn away to reveal his metal endoskeleton and a glowing red eye. [26] There, Tank Lepanto wondered if Ricky was actually the former king of Dressrosa, Riku Doldo III, and Ricky confirmed this. The Soldier said he would say more once he and Franky reached the Flower Hill. Law warned that this would bring down Kaido's wrath upon them, but Luffy replied that they needed to help Dressrosa as he took Law and Zoro and jumped off the Plateau.[47]. Dellinger (a speed based fighter, who prides in his half fishman heritage) gets caught off guard and cut down by someone even faster than he is (a. Gladius (who attacks opponents while they are distracted) gets taken down because he himself was distracted. The Sunny team decided it might be a good idea to continue toward Zou in order to keep Caesar and Momonosuke out of Doflamingo's hands, and leave the rest of the crew with the chance Law gave them to destroy the SMILE Factory. Law wondered how Doflamingo used his World Noble status to fake his resignation despite no longer being a World Noble, and Doflamingo revealed that he knew about the existence of a national treasure on Mary Geoise that gave him leveraging power over them. The two fought ferociously, and Diamante tried to defeat Kyros with another Half Moon Glaive, but Kyros countered it and broke through Diamante's sword as he cut him. The Detective Memoirs of Chief Straw Hat Luffy, Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli, Legend of the Sacred Burning Beast of Baldimore, Luffy defeats Bellamy with one punch again. Zoro tries to scold Luffy for provoking the enemy (Pica) by laughing at his, Even Law gets into this thanks to spending so much time with the Straw Hats; he gets pulled into their casual pace in Chapter 700 with his "I don't like bread" line (and has a, Law once he realizes the implications of Doflamingo's actions. We also find out that there's an ongoing internal war between the dwarves and the Donquixote Family that has been lasting for 900 years. Hakuba fell asleep, and Rebecca got up, becoming the winner of D Block. More successfully, Diamante pulls this on Rebecca, specifically holding the pistol he used to kill Scarlet and taunting Rebecca with the promise of killing her the same way. [51] Sabo overwhelmed the Marines as he destroyed their weapons by flexing his fingers, and he did the same to Bastille's sword and mask, defeating the Vice Admiral. While Doflamingo normally commits his murders gleefully and without remorse, he took no joy in killing his own little brother Rocinante, and seemed genuinely upset that the latter had betrayed him. In the present, Franky hoped Pink could tell him about Russian someday in the future,[76] and he sent the Tontattas charging into the factory as he collapsed from his wounds. It turns out all they need to get better is a dandelion mixed with the Fruit's power and one man says the miracle healing is "like magic. Sakazuki threatened to bar Fujitora from all Marine bases unless he captured Luffy and Law, and Fujitora agreed to do this. With no time left, Cavendish briefly gave control to Hakuba, allowing him to carry Robin up the wall with sheer speed right before Gladius blew it up, and he fell asleep as Robin reached the Flower Field. When the anime introduces Kanjuro, the brief flashback to him sacrificing himself to buy Kin'emon time to escape is repeated, only this time, Kanjuro is clearly seen. The Birdcage then came down, and Gatz proclaimed Luffy as the winner against Doflamingo as the people of Dressrosa rejoiced and Kyros shed tears for the first time in ten years.[92]. [61] Doflamingo's clone then sent Luffy and Bellamy inside the palace, leaving Doflamingo alone with Law. punches his skull back into its original shape, A whole town of 'em (and all their relatives), This is how most of the executives and Doflamingo himself, are defeated, shocked and saddened at what her actions have caused, (although that's no big deal in the One Piece world). According to the atrocities of Celestial Dragons recounted in Doflamingo's backstory, the World Nobles are absolutely fine with murdering children just because they. They were attacked by Burgess, but the Blackbeard Pirate was intercepted by Sabo. As they reached Level 3, however, they were confronted by giant nutcrackers. He then encountered Corazon, whom Diamante and Trebol stated to be mute, clumsy, and a kid-hater as he grabbed Law and threw him out the window. Watch Now Download [Watch] One Piece Season 16 Episode 680 The Devil's Trap! The unnamed gladiators who betrayed Usopp at the factory teamup with the heroes once Gatz reaches out to them. Kyros then decapitated Doflamingo as Luffy raced in to rescue Law. Rebecca after she finally manages to make it to the Flower Field only to find herself face to face once again with Diamante. As for non character return-related shenanigans, this arc involves two Warlords of the Sea (Doflamingo and Law), the World Nobles (the Donquixote Family via Doflamingo), some of the Marines' top brass (Admiral Fujitora as well as Vice-Admirals Maynard and Bastille), Koala, the slave girl Fisher Tiger had saved makes a. Sabo defeated Burgess after the latter unsuccessfully taunted him about Ace, and the other Revolutionaries successfully acquired Doflamingo's weapons from the underground port before the Marines came in. Riku cried at the casino, where he asked Law to look for a Marine spy ship and them! Out episodes over and over with simple fights extended over 20 episodes instantly believed her due to their King,... Hawk punch ( which took out a roided out Hordy in one of them to Luffy! Shook the ground and sent Luffy, Law, and Law landed in front of the officers, he. Finally manages to make it look like they were attacked by Burgess, who no remembered... 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