Blue[4] Chronological and political information Dooku pleaded with them to throw down their weapons and surrender, but Mace Windu, the leader of the team, refused. Mai did not want to draw attention to Ansion, preferring to subtly persuade the people of Ansion to make up their own minds; Senator Mousul had already begun a political campaign to encourage the planet's withdrawal from the Republic. The team works tirelessly to cover every aspect of Star Wars collecting in an effort to leave no fan behind. Gunray, however, had no idea what Shu Mai was speaking about; he pretended that his mechno-chair had been malfunctioning,[19] though in truth it had been left behind after his evacuation on Cato Neimoidia, and was now in Republic hands, meaning that Grievous's message did not reach its intended recipient. During her ascension to the role of Presidente of the Commerce Guild, she had dozens of opponents and adversaries killed, and ruined many a potentially great career. Mai had Soergg attempt to kill them, though his attempts failed. This depression came about after taxes on trade routes became more and more expensive, resulting in a lowered cost and demand for Castellian goods and services. Blue[4] Shu Mai pledges the Commerce Guild's support to Count Dooku. Shu Mai. Canon. Shu Mai watched with the other Separatist leaders as the Jedi ranks were decimated, and soon there were little more than a dozen Jedi remaining. Eventually,[1][4] after many ruined careers and mysterious accidents,[6] she was named the new Presidente of the Guild by her peers. [11], In 22 BBY, Shu Mai, as the Commerce Guild Presidente, was approached by Count Dooku of Serenno, a former Jedi who was the leader (at least to the public) of a group of systems that had defected from the Republic known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems. After the purchase, she raised rents and ruthlessly forced her people to pay her large tributes. 1.65 meters[2] Because of the poor weather conditions and ion storms of the world, the CIS had been unable to dispatch battle droids to fight against the Republic's clones, but it was decided that organic forces would be used instead: Gossam Commandos, Koorivar Fusiliers and Neimoidian Gunnery Battalions were sent. [4] Before that, Mai appeared in the Star Wars Legends 2002 novel The Approaching Storm, primarily by Alan Dean Foster. [13] Each of them was given a specialized Xi Char mechno-chair, which Sidious and Dooku used to contact them. Write a review. They met in Grievous's flagship, the Invisible Hand, where the cyborg told them that because their homeworlds had fallen to the Republic and their purse-worlds were no longer secure, they would be relocated to the Outer Rim; however, Grievous had yet to capture a suitable planet for them. The Commerce Guild's DSD1 dwarf spider droids and OG-9 homing spider droids, with Shu Mai's permission, took part in the battle, though Mai herself stayed in the Separatist Council War Room. Mai was one of the many who secretly pledged allegiance to Count Dooku and his agenda just before the Clone Wars began. [7], Shu Mai is also the name of a popular Chinese dumpling.[8]. [14] However, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had previously helped to thwart Mai on Ansion, had tracked bounty hunter Jango Fett, Dooku's right-hand man, to the desert world, and witnessed the meeting between the Separatists. However, the Commerce Guild stepped in and effectively saved the planet from complete disaster. She was realized as a computer generated character for Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. [7][8] Soon after Mai's ascension, the Commerce Guild became embroiled in a vendetta against Nute Gunray's Trade Federation, and E4 baron droids were sent to assassinate the Gossam presidente. The auction began, but the Queen soon interrupted it to show the captured Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi to the crowd. [1][4], Shu Mai, fulfilling her duties as Guild presidente, Under Shu Mai, the Commerce Guild began to engage in underhanded and sometimes illegal activities, and gained tremendous political power due to its acquisition of raw materials necessary for the galaxy to function. She had a protocol put in place, which, if the planet became under attack, would poison the water supply of Felucia, crippling the planet and making it next to useless for the Republic. This earned her some ridicule with her peers, though she was unperturbed by their snide remarks. ], In the illustrated screenplay of Revenge of the Sith, Mai lasts longer than in the final cut. Comments Add a Comment. Those who backed the Guild's efforts with political and financial support would be richly rewarded, though Mai was indifferent about becoming the leader of this group of planets. By: Crow T. Author. Her rebellious nature, however, usually diminished at the sight of Grievous and his powerful droid bodyguards. She traveled to her compound on the nearby Gossam colony planet of Felucia, which was suffering a heavy onslaught of Republic pressure. The Separatist Council was made up of the leaders of wealthy, influential galactic trade groups that backed Count Dooku’s Separatist Alliance, supporting it with warships, droid armies and a steady stream of credits. Shu Mai was created for her brief appearance in Attack of the Clones, though she first appeared in the prelude novel to the movie, named The Approaching Storm. [1] She put very little value on sentient life, and would happily have sacrificed the lives of many of her fellow Gossams if it meant she made money, or that the Confederacy became more powerful. Editor discretion is advised. Died The Council members were furious, but none were brave enough to defy Grievous, and they all accepted their fate and moved to Mustafar. Filters: Shu Mai was a female Gossam native to the planet Castell, who served as the Presidente of the Commerce Guild prior to and during the Clone Wars.. History Edit. They discover that Shu Mai and possibly Poggle the Lesser former Archduke of Geonosis have fled Mustafar. Mai later commented to her shareholders that using organics was in this case far more cost effective, as if they were to use droids, they would have had to fit them with ionic-dampening technologies. HK-47 - Unknown death (Canonized in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes) 6. She eventually worked her way up in the Commerce Guild, enslaving her own people in the process. This Star Wars Legends article contains information from the 2008 Slaves of the Republic comic books that was omitted from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series' 2011 adaptation of the story. Shu Mai. Homeworld How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy – A Graphic Novel, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, New Edition, Every Language in Star Wars Movies | Star Wars By the Numbers, Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith: Illustrated Screenplay, Shu Mai was created for her brief appearance in Attack of the Clones, though she first appeared in the prelude novel to the movie, named The Approaching Storm. Darth Nihilus - Unknown death (Canonized in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes) 3. [3] She was also known to wear elaborate clothing; usually colored red. Shu Mai reorganized the dead CIS into the Confederacy of Independent … [16], Once again through the "shadowfeed," Shu Mai addressed the hundreds of shareholders of the Commerce Guild from the Inner Rim planet of Moorja. Shu Mai also appears in a deleted scene found on the Attack of the Clones bonus disc. They were ultimately unsuccessful, though. Ratings and Reviews. However, Dooku (aka Darth Tyranus), who had been advising her all along, was understanding of the "object lessons" she felt compelled to deliver and told her that the Ansion failure was but a minor setback to their grand schemes.[10]. Others had unwavering loyalty to their superiors, but Mai was quick to express her doubt in them during times when they were absent. Shu Mai With many sectors seceding from the Republic during the Separatist Crisis, Mai and the Guild made sure to snatch up any potentially lucrative businesses that were no longer protected by the Republic. After examining a detailed map of the galaxy which documented trade routes and alliances between planets, Mai deduced that by discreetly putting pressure on Ansion to secede, she could force dozens of planets to secede with them, thus giving the Commerce Guild a chance of capturing or purchasing the planets. Movies Star Wars. [20], Shu Mai had an extreme lust for power and money, and was not above using unscrupulous methods to get what it was that she wanted. She and the others had been promised riches, power and recognition beyond their wildest dreams, yet now they were in hiding, and were being kept out of the loop by Sidious and his subordinates. This Star Wars Legends article contains information that is affected by the Star Wars: The Clone Wars project. She had light blue skin and a thin, spindly body, with a pair each of long and elegant arms and legs. Darth Sion - Unknown death (Canonized in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes) 4. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. The Guild also swore loyalty to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, supplying Battle Droids to them … Dooku wanted for them to re-pledge their alliance to the Confederacy—Mai did so, but reluctantly, as she knew it would amount to treason. [2], As a member of the Separatist Council, Shu Mai was obsessed with status and power. Shu Mai is also the name of a popular Chinese dumpling.[21]. At the close of the war in 19 BBY, Mai was among the Council members executed by Darth Vader on the planet Mustafar. Eye color Incarnations View all 2 versions of Shu Mai on BTVA. Female[1] However, the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker was also present, disguised as a slaver. He told them to wait in their respective vessels docked on his flagship while he found them a suitable world. When the guild joined the Separatist Alliance, she became part of the Separatist Council. The CIS were taking heavy losses, and soon after the battle began, Mai and the other Separatist leaders retreated. Using shrewd and sometimes unscrupulous tactics, Mai eventually brought the Gossam out of their financial troubles, before repurchasing Castell—only so she could raise rent even more and demand tribute from her people. Her superiors at the Commerce Guild were highly impressed by this maneuver and it gained her great standing among her colleagues. The Shu Mai action figure's backwards knees are like the back end of a horse or goat and this makes her quite unique amongst Star Wars characters (even the odd legs of Cantina action figures such as Hem Dazon and Lak Sivrak have their knees jointed forwards). Physical description She has on very costly robes paid for by the Commerce Guild, which probably stole the money anyway! Shu Mai 5. Mai was also clever and calm enough to know that what may appear as a failure was not necessarily such, and rather than feel downtrodden, she usually turned her eyes to the next place she could exploit. During her mission on Ansion, she opted for a slow, subtle approach, while her allies expressed their desire to go in with all their guns blazing. [1] During the Separatist Crisis, she attended a meeting with Count Dooku and the heads of other noted corporate holdings on Geonosis to discuss joining the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Kinect Star Wars, The Essential Guide to Warfare–class. The best shot of Shu Mai is in this clip from Attack of the Clones. After the defeat at Belderone, Grievous had the Council relocated to the planet Utapau. Skin color Mai accepted, and told the General of the two traitorous relief workers, suspected of being Jedi, that had been captured by her Gossam Commandos. Shu Mai served as presidente of the Commerce Guild before and during the Clone Wars. A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. Shu Mai was a female Gossam native to the planet Castell, who served as the Presidente of the Commerce Guild prior to and during the Clone Wars.. Affiliation(s) The Commerce Guild was formed in at least 700 BBY from the merging of several major commerce entities. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. Height Castell[1] She pledged her support for the Confederacy in secret meetings on Geonosis just prior to the start of the Clone War, but it was this allegiance that eventually led to her death on the planet Mustafar at the hands of Darth Vader. A majority of the home planets and purse-worlds of the members of the Separatist Council had fallen to the Republic, and the Confederacy was being driven into the Outer Rim Territories. [12] Mai was not the only one approached: Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation, former senators Po Nudo and Tikkes, San Hill of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, Wat Tambor of the Techno Union, as well as Archduke Poggle the Lesser and many others were contacted by Dooku. $63.00 +$17.00 shipping. The Geonosian War Room (Featuring Nute Gunray, Passel Argente & Shu Mai) help to complete the cast of characters that were plotting against the Army Of The Republic during the Clone Wars so they could mastermind the ultimate weapon in the galaxy: the Death Star. [6] She was realized as a computer generated character[source?] However, the Jedi High Council had caught wind of the possible secession, and dispatched four Jedi on a diplomatic mission, in an attempt to gain favor with the Ansionian people. Video Game: Kinect Star Wars Franchise: Star Wars. She was one of millions of Gossam devastated during the economic depression on her homeworld dozens of years before the rise of the Empire, and after they were saved from their hardship by the Commerce Guild, Mai gained a position as Chief of Property Resources for the Guild, and was eventually promoted several more times. Content approaching. Shu Mai was born on the Gossam homeworld of Castell,[1] a planet located in the Colonies region of space, which was located not far from the Core Worlds. Obi-Wan and Oren are sent on a mission to find the Separatist leaders, specifically Shu Mai former Presidente of the Commerce Guild . To where? Shu Mai is a female Gossam from planet Castell who uses her influence as the Presidente of the Commerce Guild to gain a seat on the Separatist Council. Nute Gunray, as head of the Council, became the new Head of State, however, his reign would end soon thereafter. Supposedly, the clones of the Republic had slaughtered entire mining villages, killing over four hundred natives. Shu Mai—Presidente of the Commerce Guild || SWAG 77 Star Wars Character Page Towards the end of the war, she was slain by Darth Vader on Mustafar along with all the other Separatist Leaders. Shu Mai and the other Separatist Leaders were warned by Nute Gunray (CISE) not to go to Mustafar because Darth Sidious's new apprentice was to kill them. Died Shu Mai was a female Gossam native to the planet Castell, who served as the Presidente of the Commerce Guild prior to and during the Clone Wars. Shu Mai appeared in the fourth chapter of the 2008 Slaves of the Republic story arc of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars comic series. [10], During the Separatist Crisis, Shu Mai was present when the Sullustan Beolars Bribbs was elected president of the Sullustan Council and the CEO of SoroSuub Corporation, a massive company which held considerable influence over the Commerce Guild. Gossam[1] Species She came from the planet Castell, and one of the millions of Gossams affected by the horrible economic devastation it suffered. Darth Traya - Unknown death (Canonized in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes) 5. [3], Approximately nine months into the war, Mai was involved in the setting up of the CIS "shadowfeed", which broadcast Separatist propaganda and operated similarly to the Republic HoloNet News. 3 product ratings. Mai had to kill several more of her co-conspirators, who were angry at her apparent failure (e.g., Tam Uliss). Kenobi was ultimately captured, and he, along with his Padawan Anakin Skywalker and Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala, was scheduled to be executed by the Geonosians in the Petranaki arena. Appearances. Arriving aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Intrepid, the initial days of the assault saw a string of success for Bly and his troops, despite the fact that Shu Mai managed to elude capture. She accompanies Shu Mai when the council is instructed to go to Mustafar and await the arrival of Darth Sidious's new apprentice Darth Vader. [19] In addition to her native Gossam, Shu Mai could also speak Galactic Basic Standard, Geonosian, Huttese, and Pak Pak.[6]. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Shu Mai VOICE Nika Futterman. Commentary: There truly aren't enough Star Wars figures named after things I can order at local Japanese eateries.Shu Mai was a new mold at the time of her release, bringing us a new alien figure and a woman, which is always highly unusual in this line. Gender Additional information was provided in the Star Wars Gamer magazine, The New Essential Guide to Alien Species and Shu Mai's Databank entry. Castell eventually became one of the prime locations of Commerce Guild manufacture. Shu Mai debuted in the Legends Attack of the Clones novel tie-in novel The Approaching Storm by Alan Dean Foster. While a colorful, well-designed figure, I can't say she's exciting. However, her plans ultimately did fail, as the Jedi were successful in their diplomatic mission: Ansion elected after all to remain a member of the Republic. 1.65 meters[3] [12], Midway through 22 BBY, Shu Mai attempted to instigate the withdrawal of the planet Ansion from the Galactic Republic. Impressed with her entrepreneurial nature and shrewd business awareness, the Commerce Guild then elected her as their Presidente. However, Shu was the only one of the powerful Separatists to have any niggling doubts about Dooku, and opted to pledge to the Confederacy only in secret. Biographical information She accompanies Shu Mai when the council is instructed to go to Mustafar and await the arrival of Darth Sidious' new apprentice, Darth Vader. Nika Futterman is the voice of Shu Mai in Kinect Star Wars. This of course angered Shu Mai, and with their plan looking less than likely to succeed, many of Mai's financial backers began to doubt her, though she had the faithless individuals killed (e.g., Nemrileo irm-Drocubac). Shu Mai is very small, and has almost no articulation, but the amount of tiny details on the design of her garments make up for that. Shu Mai was a female Gossam and the Presidente of the Commerce Guild during the Clone Wars and beforehand. They contacted Sidious, who told them that his new apprentice, Darth Vader, would be arriving soon to take care of them. Other than Mai and the Commerce Guild, very few had noticed that such a backwater planet as Ansion lay at the center of so many interlocking treaties. In a deleted scene of Attack of the Clones, Mai is present when Poggle the Lesser sentences Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidal… Gunray told them that Dooku had better provide all that he promised, as the Neimoidians were funding almost the entire war effort. 5.0. Shu Mai was known to use various unscrupulous methods to get her way, though she was always careful not to tie herself to such acts, and to remain within the letter of the law at all times. Although she knew it had to be done, she was unhappy about it. Star Wars Episode II - Shu Mai . Mai then served on the Separatist Council. To compensate for the loss of miners, Shu Mai recalculated several mining quotas among other producer worlds. Shu Mai from Jungle Skipper Canteen at Magic Kingdom Park Advanced Dining Reservations are now available at Jungle Skipper Canteen in the Magic Kingdom Park , a restaurant which adds a whole new dimension to theme park dining at Walt Disney World Resort . [20], Shu Mai's plans for Felucia were eventually foiled by a group of Jedi Knights led by Aayla Secura, though Mai was unperturbed;[19] with both Grievous and Dooku now dead, the Council was in control of the CIS. Darth Bane - Unknown death (Canonized in The Clone Wars) 2. 4. Shu Mai was the Presidente of the Commerce Guild and one of the leaders of the Separatist Alliance. [6] Even once she reached the top, she was not content with what she had, and joined the Separatist movement. Height [Source]. Tambor was frightened by Kenobi's presence there, as he knew what the Jedi were capable of, despite the Queen's assurance to him and Mai that there was nothing to worry about. item 4 Star Wars Geonosian War Room Chamber BOTH SETS Poggle San Hill Shu Mai Passel 4 - Star Wars Geonosian War Room Chamber BOTH SETS Poggle San Hill Shu Mai Passel. [9] Some time before 22 BBY, the Commerce Guild was responsible for niobarium pollution on Vorian IV, though Mai managed to successfully cover it up. [17], Upon being invited to the Separatist-allied planet Zygerria by its Queen, Miraj Scintel, Mai and Wat Tambor traveled there to watch an auction for the entire population of the Togrutan colony Kiros to be sold into slavery. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) Christopher Truswell as Rune Haako, Shu Mai, San Hill, Wat Tambor, Sun Fac Eye color [15] Around the same time, on the planet Bassadro, Shu Mai attempted to gain the support of Republic-aligned worlds when she launched a verbal attack on the Republic for their actions on the planet. Commerce Guild[1]Confederacy of Independent Systems[1]Separatist Council Mai was later invited to the planet Geonosis in the Outer Rim Territories for a conference with the other Separatist leaders. While on the sinkhole filled planet, Shu Mai joined in the celebrations with her peers upon learning that Grievous had successfully captured Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from Coruscant. In a deleted scene of Attack of the Clones, Mai is present when Poggle the Lesser sentences Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala to death.[source? Shu Mai was a shrewd businessbeing, and knew how and when to make a deal or purchase real estate. In the end, though, the profits she would earn from the alliance were too vast to turn down, and like the rest of the Separatist Council, Mai pledged the support and the military forces of the Commerce Guild to the dissident former Jedi. Physical description for Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. However, if Ansion were to leave the Republic, so would several of its allies, and by extension, possibly more than forty star systems that had made pacts or treaties with Ansion's allies. He eventually slaughtered all present, including Shu Mai who was decapitated, thus destroying the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Mai was one of millions of Gossam devastated during the economic depression on her homeworld dozens of years before the rise of the Empire, and after they were saved from their hardship by the Commerce Guild, Mai … [12] Gunray agreed that they should travel together in a convoy, and when he had left, Mai began to put her plan for Felucia into place. Gender ... Passel Argente & Shu Mai) Source: (Attack of the Clones) Year: 2003 . RECIPE: S.E.A. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Rather than getting killed almost immediately, she runs to the conference room along with Wat Tambor only to be cut down by Vader after Tambor's death. She was extremely greedy, and cared for little other than herself—she would happily have killed off most of the population of Felucia, one of the Gossam's colony planets, rather than let it fall to the Republic. The New Essential Chronology incorrectly names her as the Corporate Alliance Magistrateon page 80. Shu Mai first appeared in Star Wars canon in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Shu Mai was a Gossam and the president of the Commerce Guild during the Clone Wars. Mai pledged the Guild's forces to the CIS during the Clone Wars that followed, and served on the Separatist Council alongside such others as Nute Gunray, Wat Tambor and San Hill. Shu Mai sent her aides to the volcanic planet instead. Affiliation(s) Usually on Mai's orders, Guild representatives often bribed corrupt Republic officials and senators to control market forces with huge tariffs. Homeworld Before that, Mai appeared in the Star Wars Legends 2002 novel The Approaching Storm, primarily by Alan Dean Foster. Her ultimate desire lay in power, and, most of all, money. She then departed for the rendezvous point at Belderone. [1] Mai often forced systems to become Guild members, even unleashing the Guild's great droid armies on systems who refused. [3], Shu Mai was one of the Gossam who suffered during a devastating ten-year economic failure around the time of the Trade Federation's Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY. (with Display Stand) As adminstress and chief aide to Commerce Guild President Shu Mai, Cat Miin oversees the distribution of raw materials to the Separatist Droid Army. The CIS army was defeated in the arena, and the battle that followed marked the beginning of the Clone Wars. Here, anyone is free to submit a character idea for the game, Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes. While there, Grievous communicated with her through her mechno-chair, telling the Guild Presidente that the planet Belderone had been chosen for them to relocate to. In return for dedicated Gossam servitude, the Commerce Guild bought massive amounts of Gossam property and gave their economy a kick start with a series of huge investments. Upon their arrival, Tambor and Mai entered the building where the auction was being held, and they were welcomed by the Queen. [10] She eventually learned of Darth Sidious, Dooku's mysterious Sith Master, and his plans for taking over the Republic. [1], Mai was instrumental in bringing her homeworld out of its devastating financial slump, through expert negotiation tactics and occasional illegal activities. [4] Though Mai showed misgivings about the situation, stating that the proposal could be viewed as treason, she was the only one to do so and ultimately pledged the forces of the Commerce Guild to the Separatist cause and gained a seat on the Separatist Council as a result. Mai secretly allied the guild and it's forces with Count Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems. Shu Mai on Wookieepedia Dooku ordered their deaths; however, hundreds of LAAT/i gunships appeared, led by Master Yoda—the Republic had discovered a secret clone army ordered on Kamino decades earlier. 19 BBY, Mustafar[1] SHOW COMMENTS (0) FRANCHISE RELATED. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Antitrust Suits Dropped in Light of Separation, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 37, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded, Species The Season Four episodes "Kidnapped," "Slaves of the Republic," and "Escape from Kadavo" have canonical precedence. [10], She was also one of the few members of the Separatist Council to question Dooku, Sidious and Grievous. Shu Mai Voice. [1] After she was given the opportunity to buy back Castell and become a savior among her people, she greedily raised the rents exorbitantly, causing her people great suffering. Mai then secretly aligned the Guild with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a group of powerful individuals who had broken away from the Galactic Republic. 53 likes. Female[1] As the 327th pushed through the planet's southern … Shu Mai did purchase back her home planet—but only for her own gains. Trending: 12,274th This Week. Following the Separatist retreat from Coruscant, Grievous had gathered the Separatist Council to a meeting where he addressed the council members, including Shu Mai, where he sent them all to the Outer Rim world of Mustafar to avoid being captured by the Republic. Mai refused to make a formal alliance with the Confederacy, knowing it would be frowned upon by many of her supporters, though she did make an informal agreement with Dooku. 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Were angry at her apparent failure ( e.g., Tam Uliss ), Dooku Confederacy., money though she was realized as a computer generated character [ Source? in! … Shu Mai greatly increased the military and commercial clout of the war in 19 BBY, Mai a! Their arrival, Tambor and Mai fled the planet Utapau soon fall from the CIS taking. When the Guild 's support to Count Dooku 's Confederacy of Independent Systems: Episode Attack... Feature - Click the Filter dropdown to view VAs grouped by reprisals flagship while he found them shu mai star wars! On a mission to find the Separatist Alliance disguised as a computer generated character for Attack of the Republic slaughtered. Four episodes `` Kidnapped, '' and `` Escape from Kadavo '' have canonical precedence her! Grievous, though his attempts failed of State, however, as a computer character... Mai greatly increased the military and commercial clout of the Guild and it 's forces with Count Dooku canonical.... Is also the name of a popular Chinese dumpling. [ 21 ] the final.... Success and power entrepreneurial nature and shrewd business awareness, the leader of the Separatist movement being... Of his Alliance with Dooku of the war in 19 BBY, Shu Mai among... Served as Presidente of the Republic has yet to be done, she raised rents and forced! Computer generated character [ Source? 2 Appearances: 2 Versions from 2 Titles this 5 out of 5 3... Down their weapons and surrender, but Mai was the president of the team,.! She traveled to her compound on the nearby Gossam colony planet of Felucia, which probably stole the anyway! Named Soergg Vosadii Bezhin to attempt to kill several more of her colleagues invited the! For taking over the Republic has yet to be done, she was slain Darth... And Grievous is in this article have been identified as no longer being to! Pledged allegiance to Count Dooku and his powerful droid bodyguards stars 3 the volcanic instead. 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