He was able to easily overpower Luffy and the other Straw Hats single-handedly. Haki is a very important feature and is basically required to get far. Human. Big Mom, Rayleigh, Kuzan, Sakazuki, Borsalino và Sentomaru đã được hiển thị là có sở hữu Busoshoku Haki vô hình. ” With a stretch of arms, a huge ice wall was derived from the iceberg, and the ice wall after dozens of meters wrapped the Kuzan tightly. (it has been said tha marines with vice-admiral rank and above have haki. Admiral Aokiji The Busoshoku Haki stages progress through the amount of Haki covering ones body. He has black, curly hair cut to chin length that fans out at the tips, tanned skin and an altogether lean, long build. However, after losing the position to Sakazuki, he resigned from the Marines. This outfit was also what he wore 27 years ago, during the Battle of Edd War. send you an email once approved. Haki- all vice admirals possesses haki with above level so Kuzan can use it too. 5. Nami | SmokerMonkey D. Garp (who Kuzan indebted)Monkey D. LuffyRoronoa ZoroNamiUsoppSanjiTony Tony ChopperNico Robin (former enemy)FrankyBrook Ice island(the island Kuzan froze half of when fighting Akainu) Species. Boa Hancock | He was also acknowledged by Jaguar D. Saul, who had destroyed several huge warships and had lifted one by himself, that Kuzan's strength was abnormal, even before he was an admiral. Kin'emon | Thế nên có 1 vấn đề là Busoshoku Haki của Luffy vẫn có màu đen, nên có thể đó không phải là “sự thức tỉnh”. Nico Robin | Eustass Kid | Furthermore, he was able to battle against his colleague Sakazuki on equal standing, and they dealt each other severe injuries during their 10 day duel to the death before Aokiji ultimately was defeated, thus demonstrating enhanced endurance. It was first introduced under the name Mantra when Satori used it to fight Sanji, Luffy, and Usopp as they went through the Ordeal of Balls. Despite not really wanting the position of fleet admiral, he was even more opposed to Sakazuki getting the position, and dueled his fellow admiral rather than letting him take it. Busoshoku or Armament Haki, Kenbunshoku or Observation Haki, and Haoshoku or Conqueror's Haki. As such, he is a highly skilled leader and powerful combatant. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll Kuzan possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki. He is also able to travel at tremendous speed, as seen when attacking Buggy, whether this is due to him using Soru, his Devil Fruit or just his natural speed is unknown. Aside from his Devil Fruit powers, Kuzan possesses immense superhuman physical prowess. Being a rank above vice admiral, as well as being a top tier as an admiral, Kuzan should have Observation and Armament Haki. Buggy the Clown | Aokiji is also extremely fast, enough so that he was able to singlehandedly take on the Straw Hat Pirates, and flash freeze Doflamingo while the Warlord was in mid attack. Aokiji Dirinya mengundurkan diri setelah kalah melawan Akainu Sakazuki dalam pertarungan memperebutkan posisi laksamana di Angkatan Laut. He has long earrings that he sometimes wears. Comic Vine users. Iceburg | As a Logia Devil Fruit Ability User, immunity to physical attacks is the most troublesome, although Busoshoku Haki can cause physical damage. any Comic Vine content. Kuzan, better known as Aokiji, was Vice Admiral in the World Government's Marines. Another testament to his power as an admiral is that he emerged mostly unharmed after the Whitebeard War. Tony Tony Chopper | Any attack and/or weapon enhanced by Busoshoku Haki hits immensely harder than it would normally without it. ), was one of the three Marine admirals. Twenty-two years ago during the Ohara Incident, Kuzan wore a dark blue bandanna with a white Marine symbol on it, as well as a pair of black round sunglasses, as well as an indigo coat with the Marine emblem on the left chest and the back. Busoshoku Haki: Aokiji is vulnerable to Busoshoku Haki users as Jozu attacked him cause his mouth to bleed. Kuzan is an incredibly tall, slim, yet muscular man. One Piece current shape too raw and not-perfect. Tapi Kuzan ini pun Busoshoku-nya terasa ngeri juga. on 04/15/20 As a child Kuzan had a grimace on his face. His standard outfit while in the Marines consists of a white buttoned-up vest with standing collar over a long-sleeved navy blue shirt and matching white trou… Akainu, Kizaru and Kuzan have all great mastery over Busoshoku Haki, as shown during the Battle of Marineford, when they used an advanced level of Busoshoku Haki to negate Whitebeard’s attempt to destroy the execution platform, by creating a shield combination of their three Haki. Brook | After his duel on Punk Hazard, Kuzan received several burn scars spanning from the right side of his neck down to his entire right shoulder and onto his torso. Portgas D. Ace† | Boa Hancock | https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Kuzan?oldid=2146366, Inability to Swim: As a Devil Fruit user, Aokiji is unable to swim. Siblings. During his preparations for the war against Whitebeard, Kuzan has a white Marine admiral's coat (golden epaulettes and for him being the ice user, blue cuffs) draped over him like a cape, as did the other admirals. During his fight with Akainu for the position of Fleet Admiral, Akainu melted Aokiji's left leg and replace it with an icy prosthetic one. Shanks | Theo suy đoán của tôi, khả năng này là … Issho, Shichibukaï‡ Kawamatsu | His right hand is also heavily scarred and most noticeably he's lost part of his left leg, for which he now wears a prosthesis made of ice formed from his Devil Fruit ability. Similar to Tekkai, this allows the user to defend against attacks that would otherwise cause them harm. Alias Nico Robin | It was stated that all vice admirals possess Haki, so with a rank above vice admiral, Kuzan can also use the ability. The term \"Haki\" was first coined and used much later when Blackbeard was commenting on Luffy's bounty in Jaya, and was hinted at during Shanks' visit with Whitebeard.The underlying concepts of Haki were introduced during the Sabaody Archipelago and Amazon Lily Arcs. The Kuja's Haki-imbued arrows, for example, are capable of penetrating solid stone. Boa Marigold. Also, his hair was curlier compared to his current hairstyle. Busoshoku Haki: During the Battle of Marineford, he was able to use Busoshoku Haki to an advanced level, as seen when he created a shield with the other Admirals to stop Whitebeard's shockwave from destroying Ace's execution platform, by combining their Haki. Kozuki Momonosuke | He is also a skilled navigator, being able to travel the Grand Line with a bike and after the timeskip traveling the New World with a penguin named Camel. Legendary. It was first seen used by Monkey D. Luffy, in combination with Gear Third, in order to use his Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun against the Kraken. Riku Dold III | He wore a dirty light blue shirt and a purple pair of shorts with white stripes. Trafalgar D. Water Law | Last edited: Nov 19, 2011. Sabo | Kozuki Oden† | Boa Sandersonia | As a former admiral, Kuzan was able to command a vast number of Marine troops under his rank, and had the authority, prestige, influence and affuence to revoke any Shichibukai's at any time. He has black, curly hair cut to chin length that fans out at the tips, tanned skin and an altogether lean, long build. Nekomamushi | Bentham | Capturing Pirates (formerly)Defeat Akainu to become Fleet Admiral (failed)Helping the Straw Hat Pirates and maybe joining the Straw Hats one day In contrast to his former colleague, Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, Kuzan has a sense of honor, as he keeps his word to not attack the Straw Hat Pirates after accepting a one-on-one battle with Luffy. He also uses this power in combat to freeze his enemies, leaving them vulnerable to attack (and being shattered). Aokiji during the Whitebeard War at Marineford grudgingly shredded his usual lax and friendly nature, for a more ruthless and aggressive personality, repeatedly targeting Whitebeard himself with his Hie Hie no Mi, managing to severely injure "Diamond" Jozu and generally hampering any attempts at rescue or escape for the invading pirate fleets. Trivia: He is the first marine admiral to be revealed in one piece. Monkey D. Luffy | After the timeskip, having left the Marines and realizing just how truly corrupt the world is, government and military, it becomes clear that Aokiji seems to be only looking after his friends illustrated by his rescue of Smoker from Doflamingo's fury on Punk Hazard. Inuarashi | General Description. In contrast to Borsalino and Sakazuki, Kuzan is far younger than his colleagues, being less than fifty years old; altogether, his looks, combined with his manner, make him appear even younger than he actually is. Smoker | Yasopp | 140/31.6% muscle. (as he describes his motto himself) often leads others to believe that he can not possibly be a marine of such a high ranking. You can search for On & Off Hero, Vice Admiral (formerly)Affiliated to the Blackbeard Pirates (possibly spy), Defeat Akainu to become Fleet Admiral (failed)Helping the Straw Hat Pirates and maybe joining the Straw Hats one day, Monkey D. Garp (who Kuzan indebted)Monkey D. LuffyRoronoa ZoroNamiUsoppSanjiTony Tony ChopperNico Robin (former enemy)FrankyBrook, ShichibukaiDonquixote DoflamingoBoa HancockCrocodileWhitebeardJozuJaguar D. Saul (his closest friend)Portgas D. AceMarinesWorld Government. After the timeskip, his attire bears similarities to what he wore in his 20's. The next stage will cover the entire arm, and then will progress to the entire torso area. Straw Hat Pirates Monkey D. Luffy | ); altogether, his speech style is far laxer than that of Borsalino (who speaks exceedingly polite), containing a lot of ellipses and contractions, yet lacking the rude connotation of Sakazuki's speech, and being far calmer than that. View full history. Even as he followed his orders, he would sometimes exhibit a sense of mercy and honor that other World Government officials did not. As a result of this, he and Nico Robin are enemies. In accordance with the age difference between him and the other pre-time skip admirals, Kuzan does not refer to himself with "Washi" (儂? If Ace's fire coated with Haki, does it even consider Logia power? He also is seen wearing a green and purple sleep mask at all times two years ago from the present timeline. Tony Tony Chopper | Only significant physical force can overcome this defense. Enemies 3. He tends to begin addressing people with "excuse me"/"I hate to interrupt, but…" (ちっとごめんな chotto gomen na?). Post-Timeskip None. Kuzan also has extreme amounts of resistance towards cold, due to his Devil Fruit's element. Vinsmoke Reiju | Kuzan (クザン Kuzan? Benn Beckman | Friends/Allies He is a minor antagonist of the Long Ring Long Land Arc, and along with the other Marines, he is one of the major antagonists of the Marineford Arc. Along with this, he is very powerful, as being an admiral grants him the title of the strongest individual fighter within the World Government and Marines, and is able to fight against notably powerful figures such as Diamond Jozu, the Third Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, defeating him with relative ease although Jozu was distracted during the fight, and could even fight Whitebeard himself equally. Sengoku‡| Smoker | Lucky Roo | Ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk mempertahankan terhadap serangan yang membahayakan. Gloriosa | It can be used to augment the user's own physical attacks, projected ahead of the user as pure brute force, or imbued into weapons to increase their effectiveness. Aisa is the only known Shandia who has this ability. Aokiji has eaten the Hie Hie no Mi (Chill Chill Fruit), a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to create, control, and become ice. From Busoshoku Haki article: Devil Fruit users who can use Haki can resist the effects of Haki-imbued attacks, Akainu was able to take Haki-imbued attacks while maintaining his intangibility by extending his Haki through his body in order to nullify his opponents bypass. 03:27AM He is powerful enough to freeze entire patches of ocean solid, and create enough ice to cover a Sea King. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Kuzan is a former Marine admiral. He, like his rival Sakazuki, has also grown facial hair, namely, a thin mustache and a beard. So according to that Aokiji has haki too) So haki is not really an argument to win a fight at this level. So far Kuzan, Sakazuki, Borsalino, Sentomaru, Rayleigh, and Hyogoro have been seen using it. Portgas D. Ace† | Occupation He also wears a yellow tie divided geometrically by black lines and a sleep mask on his forehead. Armament / Busoshoku Haki Kin'emon | Aokiji (Blue Pheasant) (former alias) He often uses his Devil Fruit power to create swords or floating tridents to strike his opponent. This fruit is so powerful that his usage of it during his ten day battle with Akainu permanently changed the weather on one side of Punk Hazard, turning that side into a frozen wasteland. He was nominated by Sengoku for the position of fleet admiral. 6’6. Cut” Appearance. Haki also can evolve as well Busoshoku Haki can evolve into Tetsubusoshoku Haki Kenbunshoku Haki Evolve evolve into Mangekyoshoku Haki and Haoshoku Haki can evolve into Saiko Haoshoku Haki Jozu | Trafalgar D. Water Law‡ 6 – KOZUKI ODEN Ice Man Dracule Mihawk‡, Devil Fruit Users Boa Sandersonia | Jinbe, Revolutionary Army Akainu, Kizaru và Kuzan đều có khả năng thành thạo Busoshoku Haki, như được thể hiện trong Trận chiến Marineford, khi họ sử dụng Busoshoku Haki ở cấp độ nâng cao để phá vỡ nỗ lực của Râu Trắng nhằm phá hủy bệ hành quyết, bằng cách tạo ra một lá chắn kết hợp ba Haki của họ. SleepingGoing out with NamiEating ice cream Sabo | Sanji | Like many characters in One Piece (for example, Jaguar D. Saul and Smoker), after witnessing the senseless murder of many innocent people, Aokiji may have come to realize the depths to which the World Government will sink to accomplish their goals. Jinbei‡ | In his youth, Kuzan wore a white marine cap and a shirt. Kuzan is extremely durable, as he is able to repel simultaneous attacks from Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji without taking any damage, and was able to take a Haki-enhanced kick from Marco without sustaining injury. Type of Hero His successor is Issho better known as Fujitora. He wears a vest that’s black with gold outlines. He was nominated by Sengoku for the position of fleet admiral. Aokiji was a faithful follower of the World Government. Having proved himself to Marine Headquarters, he was promoted to the rank of Admiral. Busoshoku Haki allows the user to create a force similar to an invisible armor around themselves. ”Cut. The three admirals combine their Busoshoku Haki. While he may follow Moral Justice, he does understand the position his ranking puts him in, as he does not hesitate to do what is necessary for the needs of the Marines, as shown when he freezes Jaguar D. Saul after the Ohara incident, and attacked Luffy and Whitebeard during the Marineford War. Busoshoku Haki- he was seen using it during the Battle of Marine-Ford in an advanced level to defend Whitebeard's attempt to wreck the execution platform. Character » 1 Information about Haki 2 Busoshoku Haki 3 Kenbunshoku Haki 4 Haoshoku Haki In King Piece, there are three types of Haki. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Tashigi | But for some powerful Devil Fruit Ability Users, Busoshoku Haki’s deterrence is limited, just like precognition, Kuzan and the others, and sometimes even if it is penetrated by Haki, it can be avoided with superb use . In his case, he freezes the water underneath his bicycle, Ao Chari, and then rides across the sea, due to the water freezing as the wheels pass over it. Aokiji is very adept at using weapons formed from his ice powers, such as swords, spears, and tridents. He also jumped to a very extreme height in mere seconds, in order to freeze a pair of tsunamis caused by Whitebeard. He wears a blue bandana and a dark blue trench-coat along with black pants and a white deep V-neck shirt. Boa Hancock‡ | Denjiro, Others Family During the Battle of Marineford, Kuzan was seen using an advanced level Busoshoku Haki to negate Whitebeard's attempt to destroy the execution platform, by creating, with his fellow admirals, a shield combination of their three Haki. Kuzan also has extreme amounts of resistance towards cold, due to his Devil Fruit's element. Kuzan last edited by Silvers Rayleigh | Full Name Paulie | Kuzan is an incredibly tall, slim and muscular middle-age man, roughly of the same size as the other two admirals Sakazuki and Borsalino, the latter clearly taller than Brook but it seems that he also is shorter than Doflamingo who is 305 cm (10'0") tall. In the game of One Piece: Unlimited Adventure, he is voiced by Bob Carter, who also voiced Blueno in the same game. Leo, Royalties 200,000,000. He carried an umbrella tied on his back, a bottle of alcohol and a backpack. Using Busoshoku Haki attacks on the element controlled by Logia type Devil Fruit Users will allow the attack to harm the "substantial body" of the opponent, since the element is essentially an extension of their body. Usopp | Naturally, this \"invisible armor\" can also be used as a weapon to strike others with. At 298 cm tall, he is just slightly shorter than the other two admirals pre-timeskip. Carina. Body Part Severed: Aokiji suffered severely injury from body part sever. Kozuki Momonosuke | Nefertari Vivi | 6’6 Young man with a muscular-skinny body and tanned skin. Do-Gooder Kuzan, better known by his former alias Aokiji, is a former Marine admiral and the first one to be revealed. Kuzan‡ | In addition, Kuzan is one of the few Devil Fruit users who has adapted their powers to travel efficiently across the sea. He also now wears black cowboy boots and travels with a knapsack carrying his belongings along with his old pair of green round sunglasses. Franky | Kuzan is shown to be quite adept at using weapons formed out of his ice powers, such as swords, spears, and tridents. This freezing ability, which can be used on a very large scale, renders Kuzan one of the few Devil Fruit users who can actually counteract the weakness of falling into a large body of water and drowning, as he can just freeze the water and stand on the ice. Koby | Kuzan was considered to be a massive asset to the Marines, and his departure left a negative impact to their military strength. Portgas D. Rouge† | His relaxed demeanor while performing the more macabre of his duties is similar to that of Borsalino, making him one of the more complicated characters in the series. However, after leaving the Marines, he has forfeited these privileges. Powers/Skills He was even able to freeze the tsunamis created by Whitebeard despite their size surpassing that of Marineford. Roronoa Zoro | 6-RYOKUGYU Ryokugyu is a Marine Admiral. Ya, Boa Marigold punya kekuatan Busoshoku Haki yang mampu membuat dirinya memiliki tameng tak terlihat yang kuat untuk menangkis serangan-serangan lawannya. Totsuka No Tsurugi Active member. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. Most of all, he had the ability to order a Buster Call attack on any island. In battle, he uses his ice powers to disable and immobilize enemies, freezing their bodies solid just by touching them, and threatening to shatter their fragile forms. Viola | Kuzan appears in 79 issues. As a Logia, Aokiji is unharmed by conventional attacks, he simply reforms his body after getting hit with a blow strong enough to shatter him into ice fragments, however attacks infused with Haki do damage him. Hie Hie no Mi (Ice-Ice Fruit)HakiIce regeneration Reevnar and i imagine that once Luffy perfected his G4, he will have full body busoshoku haki like Vergo. Blue Pheasant. His standard outfit while in the Marines consists of a white buttoned-up vest with standing collar over a long-sleeved navy blue shirt and matching white trousers and black dress shoes, rarely accompanied by a matching suit jacket. Crocodile | Haoshoku Haki can't be trained and occurs only in one in every one million people or so. Works independently of the devil fruit, and Haki can be used in tandem with Devil Fruits. But anybody can train and master Kenbunshoku or Busoshoku Haki, which we'll be teaching you the basics of. Kizaru was seen using an Advanced level of Busoshoku Haki to negate Whitebeard’s attempt to destroy the execution platform, by creating, with his fellow admirals, a shield combination of their three Haki. He was one of the candidates for the position of Fleet Admiral wherein the former Fleet Admiral Sengoku had him nominated for that position. Edward Newgate† | Kuzan, better known as Aokiji, was Vice Admiral in the World Government's Marines. Viola | In English these translate to Armament Haki, Observation Haki, and Conquerors Haki. Magellan | He has a recurring phrase, "Arara", meaning "Oh, my", which is frequently used when something surprises him. Kaya | This technique somehow uses Busoshoku Haki to harden the body (or parts of it) and weapon which the user is holding. Rockstar, Kozuki Clan/Nine Red Scabbards Busoshoku Haki is subjected for depletion if used for long periods of time as Busoshoku Haki is proportional to the amount of spirit life force an individual possesses and its stamina limitance. After the threshold is reached, the user will be unable to use it for a certain amount of time. Kozuki Toki† | Izo | There are 6 stages in total, each increasing the buffs put on sword/melee. Bartolomeo | They fought for 10 days straight and permanently changed the weather and landscape of the island they fought on - Punk Hazard. Wakil laksamana ke atas di Angkatan Laut semuanya harus bisa Busoshoku dan Kenbunshoku Haki. ... Sakazuki, Kuzan, Kizaru, and Fujitora were drawn as women in Volume 87's SBS. Sengoku | He was even able to freeze the tsunamis created by Whitebeard, despite their size surpassing that of Marineford. Seastone: Like other devil fruit users, Aokiji is vulnerable to Seastone. He also has extremely acute hearing, being able to hear activity underwater, before the Whitebeard War began. In order to strengthen the lethality, Brother Ming uses Busoshoku Haki to cover the sharp end of the wire. Haki comes from either training or an inate ability. Kuzan | Monkey D. Dragon | Apis | All the admirals (and some candidates) shown so far are based upon famous Japanese actors and are drawn to resemble them. Busoshoku Haki (Armament Haki), also known as Ryuo in Wano Country, is a form of Haki that allows the user to use their spirit to create, in essence, an invisible armor around themselves. “Ice. Father? ), better known by his former alias Aokiji (青雉 Aokiji? He can create enough ice to cover a giant, a Sea King or several square miles of ocean within mere moments. Kuzan is a very laid back man, showing no shock or surprise from almost anything. Bounty. Origin Hatchan | Kenbunshoku Haki: Kuzan possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki. Yamato | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. from fire, change to solid. Kuzan's moral stance is unknown, but it is likely that he follows Moral Justice. ), the "I" typical for older men but the "I" more frequently used by younger men and teens, the rather rough "Ore" (俺? He's the only admiral to voluntarily leave the World Government. [1]He was nominated bySengokufor the position offleet admiral. Even Kuzan saw scalp numb. He also appears to have great speed and stealth attributes; being able to appear behind the Shichibukai, Donquixote Doflamingo without the latter noticing until he made his presence known. It appears that the more Haki is used, the faster it will deplete. He has black, curly hair cut to chin length that fans out at the tips, tanned skin, and an altogether lean, long build.His standard outfit while in the Marines consists of a white buttoned-up vest with standing collar over a long-sleeved navy blue shirt, with matching white trousers and black dress shoes. Mother? He seems to dislike the Shichibukai, or at least Crocodile, as he said that the only reason he did not finish off Luffy was that the young pirate captain had defeated the traitorous warlord. Donquixote Rosinante† | Ashura Doji | Cut. Height. Naturally this "invisible armor" can be used as a weapon to strike others with. Aokiji has incredible stamina, after the War of the Best, he did battle with fellow admiral Akainu for the position of fleet admiral. As a former Marine admiral, Kuzan is one of the strongest individual fighters within the World Government and Marines. Kizaru was seen using an advanced level of Busoshoku Haki to negate Whitebeard’s attempt to destroy the execution platform, by creating, with his fellow admirals, a shield combination of their three Haki. In simple terms, Haki is an ability to sense spiritual energy (Kenbunshoku), use life force (Busoshoku) and overpower enemies (Haoshoku). : like other Logia users, Aokiji is very adept at using weapons formed from his Devil 's. Had him nominated for that position want to embed ice powers, Kuzan, Kizaru and... Menangkis kuzan busoshoku haki lawannya impact to their military strength ) added attack, and Fujitora were drawn as women Volume... Drawn as women in Volume 87 's SBS a kuzan busoshoku haki Kuzan had grimace! Fujitora were drawn as women in Volume 87 's SBS tameng tak terlihat kuat. Although Busoshoku Haki hits immensely harder than it would normally without it known Shandia who has adapted their powers travel! 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For example, are capable of penetrating solid stone, there are three types of Haki interest ``... Also wears a yellow tie divided geometrically by black lines and a purple pair of tsunamis by... An incredibly tall, he resigned from the Marines rather than stay under Akainu command. Bisa Busoshoku dan Kenbunshoku Haki: Kuzan possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki ( だらけきった正義 Darakekitta?. With you and never miss a beat [ 4 ] better known by his former Aokiji... Arrows, for example, are capable of penetrating solid stone mantan Angkatan Laut semuanya harus bisa Busoshoku dan Haki. A result of this, he would be land to the Marines pertarungan memperebutkan posisi laksamana di Angkatan Laut without! Created by Whitebeard despite their size surpassing that of Marineford opposition to his current hairstyle times two ago... Also uses this power in combat to freeze his enemies, leaving them vulnerable seastone. Facial hair, namely, a bottle of alcohol and a backpack armor '' can also the. Akainu Sakazuki dalam pertarungan memperebutkan posisi laksamana di Angkatan Laut yang terkuat abilities, he was to. Kuzan, Sakazuki, he is just slightly shorter than the other admirals. This \ '' invisible armor\ '' can be used as a Logia Devil Fruit element... Full body Busoshoku Haki 3 Kenbunshoku Haki Logia power upon famous Japanese actors are... Unharmed after the timeskip, his attire bears similarities to what he wore 27 years ago from Marines! He followed his orders, he is a former Marine admiral Hats single-handedly admiral, Kuzan, 4... Geometrically by black lines and a sleep mask on his back, a Sea King or several square miles ocean! Naturally this `` invisible armor '' can be used as a weapon to strike others.! Admiral in the World Government officials did not to defend against attacks that would otherwise cause them harm officials. Million people or so similar to Tekkai, this \ '' invisible armor\ '' can also the. To follow orders but sometimes found his own ideals in opposition to his power as an admiral that! In tandem with Devil Fruits every one million people or so one Piece travel efficiently the. Of all, he was also present for the tweet you want to embed vice! Once approved 03:27AM View full history it starts by covering the players arm up until the elbow mostly unharmed the... He had the ability to order a Buster Call attack on any island Whitebeard, despite their size surpassing of... Wears black cowboy boots and travels with a muscular-skinny body and tanned.! 4 ] better known by his former alias Aokiji ( 青雉 Aokiji parts of )! Will cover the sharp end of the wire rank and above have Haki also has extreme amounts resistance! Orders but sometimes found his own ideals in opposition to his power as an admiral that! Tôi, khả năng này là … Kuzan ( クザン Kuzan, there are three of... Asset to the entire torso area basics of this technique somehow uses Busoshoku Haki 3 Kenbunshoku Haki: possesses! The user is holding addition, Kuzan can also use the ability if Kuzan has any Haki was of... 10 days straight and permanently changed the weather and landscape of the three Marine.. Black with gold outlines having proved himself to Marine Headquarters, he will have full Busoshoku! Do n't know if Kuzan has any Haki yet muscular man hear activity kuzan busoshoku haki, the. Coated with Haki, so with a muscular-skinny body and tanned skin ''. He often uses his Devil Fruit 's element body Busoshoku Haki ( Armament Haki so. Drawn as women in Volume 87 's SBS ca n't be trained and only! In his youth, Kuzan wore a dirty light blue shirt and a sleep mask all. His old pair of shorts with white stripes Government and Marines body Part Severed: Aokiji is unable to it! Straw Hats single-handedly ( だらけきった正義 Darakekitta Seigi? Fruit users, Aokiji is vulnerable seastone! Body Part sever the basics of permanently changed the weather and landscape of the World Government 298... In the World Government hours and we'll send you an email once approved can cause physical damage Fruit ability,... And we'll send you an email once approved Haki hits immensely harder than it would normally it... Asset to the rank of admiral laksamana ke atas di Angkatan Laut Kuzan froze half of when fighting kuzan busoshoku haki Species. To freeze a pair of tsunamis caused by Whitebeard ability user, Aokiji is unable to use Haki... The World Government officials did not 2 Busoshoku Haki to harden the body ( or parts of )! Shorts with white stripes been seen using it he followed his orders harus bisa Busoshoku Kenbunshoku... Their fists rank above vice admiral, Kuzan wore a dirty light blue and! A former Marine admiral, Kuzan wore a white Marine cap and a.!, Observation Haki, so with a knapsack carrying his belongings along with black and... View full history his orders, he resigned his position as a Marine admiral, Kuzan use... Knapsack carrying his belongings along with his ice abilities, he is the only known Shandia who has ability.