#one piece #opfanfic #monkey d garp #sengoku #sengoku's goat #aila writes #fic #theres spoilers up to dressrosa in the actual text btw #man ive been meaning to write this fic for AGES #everything else is from the past few days but that snippet i used for the summary is from like june or smth Twenty years before the present storyline, when Sengoku was already an admiral, he did not cover his afro and sported only a mustache. Sengoku also knows that Dragon is Luffy's biological father, and considers Luffy to be a great threat to the world due to his heritage, which is exactly the same way he felt about Ace. Sengoku warned Garp not to do anything foolish regarding Ace's execution, or there would be no mercy. [27] Over the years, Sengoku would rise up through the ranks of the Marines, eventually achieving the rank of Admiral at some point before the Great Age of Pirates. Twenty two years ago, Sengoku was shown to be loyal to the World Government and did not like anyone questioning them. [12], After Fujitora allowed Luffy and his allies to escape, Sengoku appeared behind him, saying that he heard him thanking Luffy. [40], Meanwhile, Sengoku ordered Akainu to deceive Squard, one of Whitebeard's allies, telling him that Whitebeard had sold out every one of his allies to the Marines. Based on an idea that all animals are on the … If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New. However, he sees them as being very useful in times of need. Sengoku appears to be well-acquainted with Vice-Admiral Tsuru as well. Despite Shanks being a pirate, which would make him an enemy, Sengoku appears to have some respect towards him, stating that because of his words, he would officially end the war with the Whitebeard Pirates as well as hand over Ace and Whitebeard's bodies to the Red Hair Pirates to be given a proper burial. [citation needed], When Luffy, thanks to Inazuma's powers, managed to reach the execution platform, Sengoku complained about Garp hesitating and letting his grandson pass through him, declaring that even he was a father. He then asked where Garp was and was annoyed upon learning that he left for Impel Down a while ago. This revelation annoyed Sengoku not only because Garp withheld such information, but also because he did not capture Luffy while he was in Water 7. Sengoku seems to show great respect for the former Admiral and appreciates his view on justice as well as his potential for leadership. Official English Name: Kong, though somewhat disappointed at this, accepted Sengoku's decision but assured him that both his and Garp's (who resigned earlier) records would remain untouched as an influential way of recruiting new Marines. Sengoku seemed to view Shiki as his main enemy twenty years ago in the same sense that Garp viewed Gol D. Roger. At first blush, a goat seems to be an unusual mascot for the Navy as opposed to something fiercer and maritime - like a shark or barracuda - but goats have a long history with sailors that led to their revered position at USNA. An army of Pacifista lead by Sentomaru appeared, being the Marine's ultimate strategy. Meist sieht man ihn gemeinsam mit seiner Ziege. Extended Summary | FAQ | Theory | Feedback | Top five keywords: goat#1 Army#2 mascot#3 Navy#4 cadet#5. Fourteen years ago, still as an Admiral, he is seen wearing a white suit with a floral button dress shirt underneath and begins to grow his trademark braided goatee, albeit much shorter than it is now. Sengoku appears to be an exceedingly proud, enlightened, and intelligent man who was loyal to the World Government and, up until the cover-up of the Impel Down incident, never questioned orders from them. Before they could make it, a storm occurred and half of Shiki's fleet was sunk during the battle. [31], After discovering Rosinante's death, Sengoku grieved.[12]. This was one of, if not the biggest reason, for his resignation from the Marines. I like the goat/navy find, but I think that's coincidence. [42] Sengoku then ordered for Ace's execution, but the executioners were attacked by Crocodile, much to Sengoku's suprise. There's also a lil bit about a gorilla mascot in there aswell. He was also told about the situation in Impel Down Level 6, in which there were Level 6 prisoners missing from the prison other than the four Blackbeard took, despite Blackbeard ordering them to massacre each other and that he would take the winners as his new recruits. Mythical Zoan, Sengoku the Buddha[11] is a former fleet admiral of the Marines,[2] succeeding Kong and preceding Sakazuki. Twenty-seven years before the current storyline, the Marines were alerted to a confrontation between Shiki and Gol D. Roger, and the then-Admiral Sengoku, Monkey D. Garp, and several other high-ranking Marines were sent on a mission to contain it. This. [13] As Garp is considered a "Hero of the Marines", Sengoku respects him greatly. Er trägt eine Brille und die komplette Uniform eines Marineadmirals, versehen mit großen Orden. [13] However, when he was fighting Shiki in Marineford, he was wearing a black double-breasted suit with a blue tie under his coat. [6] Among the five Vice Admirals Sengoku chose to lead the Buster Call were Sakazuki, Kuzan, and Jaguar D. Saul. In the same manner, he brushed off the matter of the incident with Saint Charlos, saying it was a matter for the admirals. However, their relationship was tested after discovering that Garp withheld the information that the infamous Monkey D. Luffy is his grandson, which left the Fleet Admiral furious at Garp. Manga post-timeskip He also appears to have some common sense, as shown when he ordered the Whitebeard War to be put to an end and ordered the other Marines to tend to the wounded. A close up of Sengoku's face as an Admiral. Despite being the last remaining relative of the pirate and future Warlord of the Sea Donquixote Doflamingo, Sengoku had great trust in Rosinante, as Doflamingo was unknowingly being monitored by his younger brother. [1], After the destruction of Enies Lobby, Sengoku learned some startling information about one of the prominent players involved. The color of his body (and uniform) seems to change to a golden skin color, similar to a polished gold statue. Their conversation ended when Issho used his gravity ability to lift all the rubble in Dressrosa in preparation to strike Luffy's allies at the eastern port. [50] Though he sank two of the Marine ships, Jack was ultimately defeated. After the news of Warlord of the Sea Gecko Moria's defeat, Sengoku was in Mary Geoise with Garp and Bartholomew Kuma. [43], When Whitebeard was saying his last words about the Will of D., Sengoku showed great fear and was furious with Whitebeard because he revealed to the entire world that One Piece truly existed. His cap covers his hair, which is set in a large afro. He does not berate Issho for his choice to expose the abuse of the Warlord of the Sea position by Donquixote Doflamingo to the general public. With that in mind, Sengoku and other high ranking officials put up a bounty of 79,000,000 on her in order to help catch her. English Name: Sengoku was pleased by this as he acknowledged Hancock's strength, but was also troubled that Jinbe refused to cooperate with them and was prepared to lose his status, fighting the Marines instead of Whitebeard. He warned Garp that Shiki was his to capture, and was annoyed when Garp said he would give him the credit, showing Sengoku felt the need to capture Shiki himself and wasn't merely after fame. He ordered extreme caution even at Impel Down.[35]. Along with Garp, Sengoku is considered to be one of the strongest Marines. Admiral Sengoku telling Saul of his mission to Ohara. He then accepted a request from Vergo to transfer to the G-5 base, noting the progress he had made in the one year since he joined the Marines. Still a beautiful animal that sheepgoat. Title: Thémis. It was pretty shady of the marines when it first shown. (FUNimation subs [151]: "Saint Sengoku"),[2]"The Resourceful General" (智将, Chishō? 1. Sengoku told Brannew to distribute wanted posters immediately, as even one Level 6 prisoner getting into a nation could cause major casualties to its citizens. During his orders to Saul to bombard Ohara, he wore less regal-looking attire than he does in the present storyline: a simple black tank top, blue jeans, and his glasses, which is unlike a typical admiral's formal suit. Sengoku ordered Garp to return to Water 7 to capture Luffy.[32]. This little girl, Nico Robin, was deemed a threat. Birthday: Garp simply replied that the life of an old man would not atone for Luffy's transgressions. Debut: Alongside Fujitora and Tsuru, Sengoku could defeat Jack, one of the top-ranking, strongest members of the Beasts Pirates under the Emperor Kaido. He typically wears black-rimmed glasses and a white and gold full Marine admiral uniform that is adorned with medals. Having never heard of Teach before, Sengoku told Laffitte that an unknown pirate without a reputation would not be much use as a Warlord of the Sea. Sengoku has extraordinary speed even in his gigantic buddha form. One Piece Reactions SENGOKU'S GOAT WILL FIND THE ONE PIECE (you heard it first here) Posts; Ask box here ! Sengoku's reputation isn't enough for Jack to take back Doflamingo by force. He showed up late and caught Doflamingo messing around with some of the Marine officials attending the meeting. [20] Regardless, he still shows wisdom as he passed down his knowledge to the current generation of Marines about the past regarding the Four Emperors and pointed out how many world known figures have some affiliation with Wano. He could launch an unexpected surprise attack on all the members of the Blackbeard Pirates. Sengoku was irritated for being bothered for such a reason and asked to be informed only of matters relating to Whitebeard. ↑ One Piece-Manga - Kriegserklärung (Band 41) - Kapitel 398 ~ Operation: Rettet Robin beginnt ↑ One Piece-Manga - Die Piraten vs. CP9 (Band 42) - Kapitel 400 ~ Strohhut-Bande vs Cipher Pol No. [24] It was implied that Sengoku was responsible for Corazon's facade of hating kids, in a ploy to discourage children from being drawn to and staying with the Donquixote Pirates. [15], When Blackbeard stole a Marine ship with his crew and broke into Impel Down, Sengoku looked distraught at the news. Afterwards, an official told him of the number of pirates that Admiral Kizaru managed to capture at Sabaody and at least five hundred pirates were to be sent to Impel Down. Sengoku, along with the entire Marines and World Government, waged war against Whitebeard over the life of Portgas D. Ace before the latter's death. Sengoku seems to show respect for the newly promoted Admiral and respects his view on justice. [14] His epaulettes during his time as an Admiral were similar to Garp's, which were red and black, but he doesn't have black on it and he never used red epaullets ever since he became Fleet Admiral. From his view, the Seven Warlords of the Sea are just pirates,[1] though he notes how valuable they can be when the time comes. Sengoku weeping inconsolably at the news of Rosinante's death. As Sengoku was a major figure back in Gol D. Roger's time, and still is today, he is one of the few enemies Whitebeard respects. I mean he is Budda... was Budda good with animals? Sengoku and Sakazuki then discussed about Kozuki Oden and the relationships he had with the Four Emperors.[54]. Sengoku seems to be casual with his successor to the position of Fleet Admiral. When Akainu blasted off a portion of Whitebeard's head, Whitebeard still continued to shatter the Marine Headquarters, and Sengoku was shocked that the great pirate could still have so much power. He also will not accept any reason for letting a criminal go, and also has a habit of getting very irritated with failure. [23], Nowadays, Tsuru appears to be annoyed with Sengoku's new cheerful disposition and lack of responsibility that is almost similar to Garp.[20]. He later witnessed the arrival of Whitebeard and his allies. Sengoku stood silently for his former friend even after his attempting to destroy the new world. Meaning: He is amused when Issho uses a loophole to attend the Levely and comments to Akainu on how difficult it is to lead the Marines. Sengoku is the first Mythical Zoan user to appear in the series, though he was not revealed to be one until 337 chapters after his debut. Sengoku had somehow found out that Garp had adopted Portgas D. Ace, the son of Pirate King Gol D. Roger, which was meant to be kept secret from the World Government. Sengoku is also quick to restrain Garp if he tries to do anything foolish, as shown when Sengoku pinned Garp to the ground when he later tried to go after Akainu for killing Ace. [21], Luffy's unceremonious self-introduction into the Battle of Marineford had Sengoku apoplectic, going so far as screaming at Garp for having his family intruding in the World Government's affairs again. When Rosinante was 8 years old, Sengoku took him under his wing and later helped him become a Marine. Before departing, Sengoku suggested that Aokiji replace him as the next Marine fleet admiral. A successor for Crocodile which Sengoku granted very irritated with failure the Canon story reflecting his! The current storyline, Sengoku was shown to be magnificent execution was announced across World. He later witnessed the arrival of Whitebeard and his execution was announced across the World Government allied Pirates. 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one piece sengoku goat
one piece sengoku goat 2021