* But today must know that the issue of the Tuareg become issue azawad ! The current Malian ambassador in Niamey, Alhamdou Ag Ilyene is a prime example. I strive to maintain a respectful tone in these discussions, and I thank Fati for doing the same. That’s what I hope we will achieve peacefully and democratically in the next years and decades, because that’s the only safe and realistic way to definitely avoid all kind of armed conflicts, human disasters and build peace and social and economic development for our People. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Even today with Traore! Que le Mali prenne l’exemple sur son voisin le Grand Sénégal qui subit une réalité similaire plus de 30 ans sans persécutions, rejets, discriminations aucune des populations non concernées qui y vivent. A message to my people: Can we halt America’s tribalization. Mali will be united whether you like it or no.You can’t be the only one to decide the majority will prevail. Last but not least, regarding MNLA, my point of view has always been very clear and we all agree they made a lot of mistakes and they are still making them. Mali’s army killed 50 of my family since the nineties with all due respect, what do you think we are? They are, as many among us, people of color, but they are not black skinned, no more than Eskimos or Hawaian or Native Americans would be considered black. So your arguments are trash Karim. So, the problem is not whether Tuaregs are majority or minority, but the problem is the bad conditions under which Tuaregs and Azawad people in general live. Mar 23, 2018 - The Tuaregs, Sahara's 'Blue Men' - Africa is Back - Quora. Si vous êtes americain vous devrez avoir honte de parler de génocide au Mali que vous êtes loin de connaître. The Tuaregs are called Imouhagh and Tamahaq (coming from the term Iohagh, meaning: to be free, independent). Favorite Answer The Tuareg are Berbers, Berbers are Caucasian people of the Sahara. Yes, we can agree or disagree about some ideas and opinions. Like Berbers, Tuaregs are a jumble of ethnicities, and as such see themselves as "not Arab" and "not Black African." Against azawad? Figure it out…, Pingback: Niger: New Drone Base Highlights a Shift in US-West African Relations | The Elephant. Celles qui restent sur place sont désarmées devant des forces d’occupation. I have seen Tuaregs reactions concerning your petition and all of them against you , while there are hundreds of Tuareg groups who support MNLA and Azawad independence. Fati suggested we split Mali in 3 federal regions — would we put that to a nationwide vote? The fact that Tuareg are killed is a Malian problem — not something that belong in one community. Now we are witnessing the same scenario and the same method, as Malian troops and its militias are heading now towards Tenere of Azawad under support of french troops targeting Azawad civilians in an wicked attempt to exterminate people of Azawad. But I know three things. The Problem of Tuaregue gets upside DOWN, when Marketing is done about them. And this area still represents at least a third of Mali. You are going to give your self a heart attract. Your PhD dissertation was entitled “Exile Knows No Dignity: African Transnational Migrants and the Anchoring of Identity.” Your pre-and dissertation research were conducted in Bamako, Mali and Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. How and Why? The problem will remain how Tuaregs, whether are blacks or whites, have suffered a lot at hands of successive Malian governments. How about you who is funding you? Hiding your true face behind your arrogant, derogatory and disrespectful comments will not stop this. longer than say, six months? Thank you for daring so greatly, for your dedication to fostering open dialogue that prompts you to allow even such negative comments as these to be posted on your blog. Their support is VERY HIGH in the Kidal region, make no mistake about that. The key to understanding why people in southern Mali are spreading such propaganda is contained in the USA Today writer’s own observation: “Human Rights Watch said the Malian army and black … Calling us “bastards” is not going to solve anything and only demonstrates your ignorance. Next time, be mindful about what you write. A large part of the population and livestock is decimated while food donations are thrown into the Niger River to avoid pilling up stocks In the 1990s, the killings resumed again and I think that Mr. Bruce Hall arrived in Timbuktu just after a few years and saw on-site scars of this period (unless he is blind). Karim, Let me be clear: while people like Amadou or Mr. Ag Muphtah above don’t believe that Tuareg people in Mali have been victims of discrimination, I certainly do believe that “discrimination,” “persecution,” “racism” and “human rights abuse” are precisely the right words to describe events like the Kati riots that took place last year, or the multiple killings against light-skinned civilians committed by the Malian armed forces over five decades. The French are growing uneasy amidst mounting evidence that their own allies are committing war crimes. Anthropologist and Tuareg specialist for forty years, Its a pity that you are only a specialist on Tuaregues, you should try and study deeper all other etnic GROUPS of the Northern Mali, maybe you would stop saying the Writter of this article is Racist ! Saying things like ”Not whether Prof Whithouse has spent 20 years studying poetry of the Tuareg” is insulting and unacceptable. Their entire way of life was disrupted, however, by the imposition of … I met an algerian I assumed was of Arab origin during a research conference in Switzerland some years ago. (2) If I “deny that innocent Tuareg civilians have been murdered and abused by the Malian army,” perhaps you can explain why my post includes this bold-face heading: “Innocent civilians identified as “Tuareg” have been abused and murdered.” It’s now clear to me that too many readers have misunderstood the message of this post; I should have been more explicit about certain things, and I plan to write another post to clarify those things. In 2003, … And it is this perspective that some of us are challenging. It’s hard to find people in Mali who do not have Tuareg relatives, particularly in the northern regions. Other variations that refer to the Tuaregs are the “Blue People” and the “People of the Veil”. Tamasheq, yest a lot of hate torwards, the Idiots that created MNLA, plus the stupid army that came over from Libya and that were used to 5.000 USD salaries, and of corse, having quarrels, taking Viagra, distrurbing the Population in Libia, and now that the Fun ended over tehre for them, they decided to come over to Northen Mali, and try and so the same Rubbish, without having made with all the wars and their High Salaries, they were not able to do 1 School in the North of Mali, not 1. Emotions have no place in an intellectual debate (hatred least of all). I hear they work wonders. Et enfin de vous à moi, je suis loin de vouloir vous offenser ni personne, pas même Bruce. – Tuareg are like any other tribes in Africa, they have class distinctions inherited .. Malians need to talk to each other very bluntly. I am well aware of many of the killings that happened in the past. Mr Karim, Ne me dites pas ce que je dois ou ne dois pas faire parce que je n’ai aucune leçon de morale à recevoir de vous ni de personne. Je persiste que vous avez très mal compris mon texte et mon objet qui n’était pas du tout ce que vous semblez présumer. But I would suggest that they might easily poll 30%-45%. C’est une erreur d’attribuer la rébellion aux Touaregs. By the 19 th … Si le Pays proclame la Paix avec les rebelles, ceux-ci bénéficieront à eux seuls des dividendes et avantages liés à la Paix et aux négociations. And in which context did this particular individual make this remark? Plusieurs jeunes ont dû rejoindre la rébellion à cause de leur statut de victimes innocentes ou tout simplement parce qu’ils craignaient pour leur propre vie. Their name, reputed since the early middle Ages, is quoted by the first Arab writers. Do you think that more violence is the best way to solve your problem ? What you do is like showing pure black Americans as a proof that Anglo Saxons were black or black French, Haitians to prove that the original French were black. My remarks included the statement that “even in Libya, the Tuareg were still subject to discrimination.” Amadou, a Fulani Malian with whom I’ve  exchanged friendly e-mails, wrote on an online forum, “With ‘even’ and ‘still’ one may wonder if in Bruce’s mind Tuareg are ‘subject to discrimination’ in their places of origin.” I responded that indeed they were. And the reason I asked how many light-skinned Tuaregs made similar comments is the following: the relationship between most light skinned Tuaregs and their former eklans, or even the blacksmiths is very affectionate and inclusive one, at least in my experience. She swore she wasn't related to Arabs at all and that most algerians are native Africans and are the Tuaregs … Yes Mali army is SHET, but MNLA army was a Bigger SHET, in my city “DIRE” in the NORTH, they Broke the Hospitals, broke the Schools, shut down electricity and water ! That is a lie. I will work on it, even though I’m not good in English and Frenchok .. I also did a long interview with an MNLA fighter who was one of last combattants to be ejected by the MUJAO from the Gouvernorat in Gao last July. Tuaregs have to integrate for survival…(to survive Globally,Educationally,health,trade etc etc) there will never be a Azwad state neither in Mail no in any of the bordering states. Perhaps the MSU student who thinks Mali has no “Tuareg problem” feels the same way.”, You are entitled to your interpretations and assumptions about me and what I said. because of the atrocities committed against them by the Malian army and by the Gandakoy militias armed by the Malian government. I have asked two different people to read it to make sure that I wasn’t missing the point here, and that is the same impression they had. Cela n’engage pas un travail scientifique à travers des arguments ou t’accuse les Touaregs de tous les maux. You are wasting your time. Even if he had become unpopular (and remember that once a “big man” falls in Africa, popular opinion tends to condemn him, under the illusion that a redistribution of power and influence would occur that might benefit some of them or people they knew) why wouldn’t his enemies use the projected election to throw him out? Quand la parole est censuré votre article n’a pas droit d’être. We will not take your nonsense excuses buddy! Avec toute ma fraternité et toute mon amitié. After riots in D.C., NBA coach slams 3 GOP senators For you to say that In Kati, the burning of Tuareg homes wasn’t discrimination, it was “a misunderstanding” is a gross misrepresentation of what happened at Kati. You are talking about kidal as if the people there don’t belong to that area. Please go spread your ignorance and hatred elsewhere. Not all Tuaregs own slaves, and not all slave owners are Tuareg. I pity whoever believes you! Yet the Tuaregs continue to speak a Berber-rooted language, Tamashaq. That means then that the Population of GAO DISTRICT does not accept MNLA !!!! Bulshit! The census does not count people by race, color or ethnical group — it’s in fact asking people to list their mother tongue (and any secondary language) they speak — only for people who are 6 years and older. A la suite de la proclamation par les rebelles de l’indépendance des Régions Nord du Mali, les Responsables Maliens protestent et réclament un Mali « Un et Indivisible » ; mais ce qu’ils oublient, pour que cela soit possible, il faut que la population soit « Une et Indivisible ». Very interesting Bruce… Gloria, please direct us to a blog where Fulas, Zulus, Songhois, Bozos are victims of biased postings, we will gladly bring a battalion to help out. Keep in mind that some people don’t like to be told the truth. One last thing, I absolutely do not agree with you when you say that “Even the abuse perpetrated by the Malian army today is geared toward many communities — not only the Tuareg”. I don't care if you have a library of nonsensical claims that Tauregs are white or that the pyramids were built by aliens. Must distinguish between “political problems” and “social distinctions” and “intellectual ideological differences” .. & In soft-pedaling the ethnic hatred, you are showing your support for it. L’antidote à cette rébellion a bel et bien été anéanti à dessein. In Arabic language, their name suggests “abandoned by God.” They however refer to themselves as "freemen", or “Imohag.” … man let’s not talk too much, your hatred toward other ethnics will not solve the probleme. Many Touareg I spoke to are now denouncing that precept. A few folks have electricity (solar and generator). The Tuaregs speak Tamacheq, which is one of the Berber languages, but some subgroups of Tuareg are also literate in French, Hausa, and Songhay. However, I want to add one more view: if you were to redefine the North by moving the “so called Azawad state” slightly north of Timbuktu and Gao (and north of some of the surrounding smaller towns), you would be in lands inhabited largely by Tuaregs. I’ve been up-front about the limits of my knowledge and I’m open to new ideas. Il va de soi, que ce problème n’existe pas uniquement sur ce blog, mais malheureusement il existe aussi entre le Mali et le MNLA, au sein du MNLA lui même, entre les partisans et les “non-partisans” du MNLA, il existe entre les Touareg de Kidal et de Tombouctou, il existe entre les pro-independantistes et les anti-independantistes, etc. Mr. Bruce, with all due respect, “out of the woodwork” is insulting, therefore Timbukteer’s reaction was not out of place. These are the questions that need to be answered. Before colonialism, the Tuaregs ruled much of the Sahel region of the central Sahara after deposing the Songhai rulers of the then-major trading city of Timbuktu (AUTLOST = 1.25). But the facts of cruelties and killings are undeniable. Saying the truth, saying something “new” and “different” from the majority and the general point of views is never easy. Either way, as I don't care whether or not such groups do or do not have so-called "caucasoid" ancestry; results show that fulani cluster on their own And I know quite well the living between the Tuaregues and the Northern People, and its time, you put them to work, as specialist, in 2013 they can not live out of the air and simply ROB all other that have to do HARD working to eat ! “ … See more ideas about tuareg people, africa, people of the world. I see in your detractors’ comments strong opinions aplenty, but strong (or even coherent) arguments? They are the only Amazigh speaking community to have preserved and used the Tifinagh writing. Bamako-centered analysis is what I’m here for smiley face ” So these comments just beg the question: did you travel out of Bamako to see any of the refugees who have fled Mali? The thing is that Mr. Bruce ignores or deliberately passes under silence that the modern State of Mali is built on false dogma and did not hesitate in the early hours of its independence to proceed of large-scale massacres based on comments like those he said. Par contre la population humiliée et chassée, qui a tout perdu, dignité et biens ne bénéficie d’aucun dédommagement. Yes the Tuareg are a minority in northern Mali. They are living and surviving in one of the hardest terrains and climates on this earth. Insults and profanity have no place here. If you HAVE to pinpoint a color to them, white would be most fitting for berbers and tuaregs seem to be more mixed in my experience. De manière assez schizophrénique, les puissances occidentales ont renforcé cet état de fait en payant de généreuses rançons à Aqmi pour la libération de leurs otages, alimentant un filon lucratif, non seulement pour remplir les poches des jihadistes, mais aussi celles des intermédiaires impliqués dans les négociations autour des libérations d’otages pour arriver à asphyxier les populations de l’Azawad. All built and maintained by the locals. So, I will never be surprised if that army is accused of doing the same or worse out of sight. So let’s discuss the topics you covered:1) that most Tuareg are black: Using dismissive comments like ”this is some guy sitting in a room typing a cable” just shows that you refuse to accept the truth and that you perpetuate the lies contrived by the Malian government. If the Mahina people thought like the MNLA then they would have all the right to pick up arms, they contribute with enormous amount of Food … and because of MNLA Marketing they were not given an Hospital like Kidal !!! We have a water tower and running water. 1) “Maybe there’s no such thing as a dark-skinned Tuareg”. People may disagree with the sources I cite, but as Abdoul points out, none of the hostile comments made here since Thursday has referred to alternative sources to back up their contention that the claims I made are false. Your words have added to the propaganda and hatred against the Tuareg people. You misunderstand my argument; see my response to Fati above. Mon opinion est mienne et je l’assume. They have Tukish, Slavic, Nordic, Spanish, Italian, Arab, Fulani etc. If you think that violence is the only way to solve your problems you are making abig mistake. Je ne me suis pas directement adressé pas à vous et c’est vous qui défendiez et publiez sur votre blog des contre-vérités insultantes et injurieuses sur mon peuple que vous taxez d’esclavagiste et dont les dernieres exactions subies trouveraient leur justification dans son passé. Une telle discrimination, un tel égoïsme au 21e siècle de la part d’un pays dit démocratique doivent interpeller toutes les Nations Démocratiques du Monde. Has anyone of the above ever heard of Ganda Koy? Let me tell you that your propaganda and racism will not succeed. And three, until Malians of all backgrounds can meet for open dialogue about the crimes they have endured — and carried out — they will continue talking past each other, and their divergent views of their common history will only grow further apart. ; or that the label of “historically oppressed minority” doesn’t easily fit their history), address the sources it’s based on, and explain why the claim is wrong, or add important context I omitted. I knew Bruce Hall in Timbuktu while doing his research at Ahmed Baba’s Center, where he had his quarters. – should the french forces and Ecowas accept the MNLA as useful allies, arm and sustain them to restore “peace and order” in the north ? Reconnais aussi les droits des autres. What counts are facts, not self definitions. They did not pick up Weapons, because they are working like Hell and still do not have roads neither Telephone Lines ? Harsh repression by the Malian army of earlier Tuareg uprisings dates back to the 1960s. People are attacking this post for things it didn’t even say — and very few of the critics are offering any solution. Elle vient d’ailleurs et comptent plusieurs sensibilités et nationalités. Then again, I don’t fully trust the Malian government to generate accurate statistics about anything, so what can we conclude? The connotation I was seeking in writing that phrase was “to appear suddenly and unexpectedly”, but now that I’ve also looked it up, I see that it is “usually said about someone who was not invited or wanted,” and that was not what I meant to express. The claims that Berbers were originally "black" are silly. (Photo: Jerome Delay, AP), Far too often, Malians who point out the above facts downplay or deny the systemic violence against light-skinned Tuareg in Mali. Thanks Andy for your thorough and thoughtful feedback. Last week I took part in a “teach-in” organized by Michigan State University devoted to the ongoing crisis in Mali. Jan 2, 2021 - Explore Farida's board "Touareg", followed by 566 people on Pinterest. The Touareg are a minority in the north, and if you take all Touareg, from the Kel Antessar of Timbuktu and Goundam to the Iwellemeden of Menaka and Amderamboukane and did a poll, you’d probably find that the MNLA poll less than 50%. At one point a Malian graduate student in attendance stated flatly, “There is no ‘Tuareg problem’ in Mali.”. Mariama is right, the people who were responsible for the 1991 crimes in Bamako were all arrested and sent to prison without a trail, even the ex President of Mali Moussa Traore was sent to prison/house arrest for those crimes. The audience, mostly MSU students and faculty, included several Malians. They refers them as "Bellahs" Thanks x 1; Disagree! This is documented! Tombouctou: la ville mixte, et dans les cercles à majorité Kel tamacheqs-maures noirs blancs… It’s one thing to say, as so many others have done, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” It’s one thing to say, as have so many others, “Your sources are biased.” It’s another thing entirely to provide contrary evidence as you have done here, Mariama. You have tried to shut up the Tuaregs who have posted on your blog, telling them (in French) to keep their opinions to themselves, while at the same time blathering your own racist opinions against the Tuareg people. The Tuaregs were among the few to still maintain a very public trade in slaves. As a Tuareg I found it surprising and unfair the way you tried to divid us by black and white! You think your ‘Toureg problem’, NMLA,Sahid or Bruce writing about this is a big deal, then just wait till one of the big boys decide to lay claim to the vast resources you sit on. And how do you explain the hundreds of thousands of refugees in neighboring Burkina Faso, Mauritania, and Niger? Try posting your comment in French if that’s any easier, my Arabic is not very good, ok .. We call ourselves “Kel-Tamasheq”, meaning “those who speak Tamasheq.” We are defined by our culture and our language. Berbers aka Imazighen are NOT White. Because of all these reasons, I think it’s really time now after 52 years for Tuareg people to take their own destiny into their hands and to start saying what they really think without being every time accused to be against their own people. Et pire tout le monde y perdra, personne n’y gagnera quoi que ce soit! However, when it comes to mass killings and descrimination , the West African regimes extermely involved in this regard against Tuaregs both Mali and Niger did the same for Tuaregs . I think you supporters of MNLA, call this Racism ??? The upper classes, organized in tribes, convoyed caravans and, until subdued by France, were feared as raiders. I encountered a great deal of nostalgia for that era in the mid 1980s to early 1990s when the Touareg rebel movement purposefully and specifically played down the significance of clan-affiliation and attempted to instill the notion that Tamashek identity as a whole was the important thing, not individual clan identity. I afree very much what you wrote, especially your conclusion! The Bambara of Bamako were as pissed off with the utterly corrupt, self-serving, mendacious and machiavellian regime of ATT as the leaders of the MNA and MNLA were. As for the political solution: You are in flagrant default of the AAA Code of Ethics and you should be ashamed of yourself for making claims and arguments that are damaging to the Tuareg people. They really have to WORK to earn their money, wether they want it or not, when I say work I really mean have an INCOME, its absolutely awful, to have a city like KIDAL, built on the TAXES of the others, KIDAL did not give one single CENT of TAX. Une fois, je me répète, sachiez que mes propos à l ’ antidote à rébellion! So Tamasheq can be found among them heard of Ganda Koy was a great task which! The us Embassy in Bamako, leaders in northern Mali ” into tribes the... ” this land of northern Mali with your conclusion and the Levant, brought them wealth. The system is broken, the Tuaregs organized into tribes in the North are tuaregs black... Not good in English and French propagandists such as Arab-Berber group keep on bearing arms every few years just it! T so much for your ‘ spot on ’ analysis the evidence upon which arguments. Acted ( and acts ) as a scholar I have the responsibility to correct any false claims I have number! Mnla, call this racism??????????! 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